Centre for Research Architecture Contact

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Once you have read the  and have explored the range of activities taking place in the Centre if you have any specific queries please contact Dr Susan Schuppli, the Centre Director.

Email: s.schuppli (@gold.ac.uk)

If you have any admissions questions or you would like us to send you a prospectus, please contact us as follows:

UK and EU students

Admissions Office

Telephone: 020 7919 7766
Fax: 020 7919 7509
E-mail: course-info (@gold.ac.uk)

Overseas (non-EU) students

International Office

Telephone: 020 7919 7702
Fax: 020 7919 7704
E-mail: international (@gold.ac.uk)

We can supply information in alternative formats for people with a visual impairment. Please contact the Admissions Office (contact details above) for details.