Dr Michael Franklin

Staff details

Dr Michael Franklin


Lecturer in Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship


Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship


m.franklin (@gold.ac.uk)

Michael investigates the conceptualisation and management of risk in the film industry and related creative businesses.

Michael is a Lecturer at Goldsmiths’ Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship (ICCE), where he teaches aspects of philosophy, economics, management in relation to creative fields. His research specialism is the film industry, and has work cited in reports for the British Film Institute, British Screen Forum, Olsberg SPI for Pact, with successive REF ICS resulting.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD, Institute for Capitalising on Creativity (ICC) in the School of Management, University of St Andrews 2016
  • MSc Management - Film Business, Cass Business School, City University (University of London) 2008
  • MSc Film Studies, University of Edinburgh 2007
  • MA Hons, Philosophy and Modern History, University of St Andrews 2006

Teaching and supervision

Research interests

Michael's recent book investigates risk in the film business and concentrates on the conceptualisation and materialisation of uncertainty across thought processes and practices; market devices; and organisational structures.

He has published in journals including Information, Communication and Society; Journal of Cultural Economics; Participations; Valuation Studies; and currently co-edits a Special Issue of the European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy on AI.

He works with international colleagues on areas such as data analytics via the Mallen Conference, and on impacts of streaming platforms at Columbia’s Institute for Tele-Information as a Visiting Fellow.

Publications and research outputs


Franklin, Michael. 2022. Risk in the Film Business - Known Unknowns. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780367675301

Book Section

Franklin, Michael; Stoyanova Russell, D and Townley, B. 2015. From Marketing to Performing the Market: The Emerging Role of Digital Data in the Independent Film Business. In: Nolwenn Mignant; Cecilia Tirtaine and Joël Augros, eds. Film Marketing Into the Twenty-First Century. London: Palgrave on behalf of the British Film Institute, pp. 147-162. ISBN 9781844578382

Franklin, Michael. 2012. Internet-enabled dissemination: managing uncertainty in the film value chain. In: Dina Iordanova and Stuart Cunningham, eds. Digital Disruption: Cinema Moves On-line. St Andrews: St Andrews Film Studies, pp. 101-116. ISBN 978-0-9563730-9-0


Behrens, Ronny; Zhang Foutz, Natasha; Franklin, Michael; Funk, Jannis; Gutierrez-Navratil, Fernanda; Hofmann, Julian and Leibfried, Ulrike. 2021. Leveraging analytics to produce compelling and profitable film content. Journal of Cultural Economics, 45(2), pp. 171-211. ISSN 0885-2545

Campagnolo, Gian Marco; Giannatou, Evi; Franklin, Michael; Stewart, James and Williams, Robin. 2019. Revolution remixed? The emergence of Open Content Film-making as a viable component within the mainstream film industry. Information, Communication & Society, 22(13), pp. 1871-1888. ISSN 1369-118X

Giannatou, Evi; Campagnolo, Gian Marco; Franklin, Michael; Stewart, James K and Williams, Robin. 2019. Revolution postponed? Tracing the development and limitations of open content filmmaking. Information, Communication & Society, 22(12), pp. 1789-1809. ISSN 1369-118X

Professional Activity

Franklin, Michael. 2023. Response to the Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s Call for Evidence to the British Film and High-End Television Inquiry.

Musgrave, George; Dinardi, Cecilia; Franklin, Michael; Murphy, Oonagh and Prime, Sian. 2022. Submission of evidence to the UK Parliament House of Lords ‘A Creative Future’ Inquiry.


Leisewitz, Adrian; Musgrave, George and Franklin, Michael. 2022. SHAPESLewisham and the Shape of Lewisham: Connectivity, Communication and Construction in a Creative Enterprise Zone. Project Report. Goldsmiths, University of London, London.

Franklin, Michael. 2018. Examining the understanding and management of risk in the film industry: A Research Synopsis. Project Report. Goldsmiths / Olsberg / SPI, London.

Drake, P; Franklin, Michael; Sathe, D and Tierney, S. 2015. We Are Colony: Digital VOD Distribution for Independent Film. Project Report. Nesta, London.

Professional Activities

Michael works on numerous projects linking digital technology and the creative industries, as well as specialised topics in film finance, film data, AI applications, and social network analysis.

Past projects / partners have included: AHRC / Nesta's Digital R&D for the Arts initiative, CinEcoSA (Cinéma, Economie & Sociétés Anglophones), CREATe, European Audiovisual Observatory, Film London, Scottish Documentary Institute, Sigma Films and the Sundance Institute.