Photo of Phoebe


"You are given a studio and from day one are expected to begin to work as an artist."

Main details

Year graduated 2011
Department Art
Country United Kingdom

"I was born in Hackney, East London, and studied BA Fine Art at Goldsmiths. I graduated in 2009. The Fine Art course at Goldsmiths is completely open. You are not given projects to do or segregated by the medium you choose to work with. Instead you are given a studio and from day one are expected to begin to work as an artist. With support from the tutors and technicians it's totally possible to prepare for a career in the arts, as an artist or curator or whatever you may want to do.

My experiences as a Goldsmiths student enhanced my employment prospects. I am now working as an artist, and just got back from a three-month residency in New York in which I produced a body of work called Pleasure Pieces. I had a studio that I made all of the work in and at the end of the three months I had my first solo show, which was really exciting. The whole point of learning is to help you grow, not necessarily change. It facilitates abilities that already exist. I definitely got a lot out of my time at Goldsmiths."

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