Photo of Mohammad


"My trajectory at Goldsmiths has been really interesting – from starting with an undergraduate degree through the International Programme, I did a PhD and ended up exhibiting some of the resulting research in the House of Commons!"

Main details

Year graduated 2012
Department Computing

"My background is in computing, craftsmanship and journalism, and my artistic interests focus on the inter-connections between artificial intelligence, swarm intelligence, robotics and digital art. 

The multidisciplinary nature of Goldsmiths paved the way for me to pursue the three distinct, yet interconnected, fields of optimisation (empirical and theoretical), arts and philosophy (within the field of visualisation and computational creativity) and biomedical computation (identifying traces of metastasis in bone scans and calcifications mammographs using ants intelligence) which ended up being exhibited at an event in the House of Commons.

When I think of it, it seems like an interesting trajectory that one would start from doing an undergraduate degree through the (via Goldsmiths) which led to a PhD and all the way to exhibiting some of the resulting research in the House of Commons in the Parliament for MPs and politicians.

I won many 'best project' and 'best paper' awards and I owe a significant part of this to Goldsmiths and my supervisors. Along the way, I also supervised a student (in robotic projects) who graduated with First Class Honours and is now in full-time employment in London. I could conformably say that, Goldsmiths and my work there gave me a sense of achievement."

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