Photo of Mariann


"The course provided me with the necessary theoretical background, inspiration and confidence to move my practice into a direction that focuses on creating a dynamic learning experience and dialogue between participants."

Main details

Year graduated 2013
Department Educational Studies
Programme MA Arts & Learning

"I'm a Head of Curriculum Development, designing and developing school-wide and individualised curriculum for learners with autism spectrum disorders. The course has challenged me to re-evaluate my practice as an artist and educator. It provided me with the necessary theoretical background, inspiration and confidence to move my practice into a direction that focuses on creating a dynamic learning experience and dialogue between participants. From September, I also took on a role in a Saturday school to lead a youth group for Hungarian teenagers. Through shared investigations and creative practices, the group explore the questions of culture, language and identity. The school's aim is to provide a platform for bilingual children, teenagers and adults to engage in learning experiences of Hungarian folk art, music and dance; therefore preserve their first language/mother tongue, culture and traditions." 

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