Photo of Mary


"The programme mixes theory and practice, which allows me to obtain a professional qualification in project management, to enhance leadership development and to keep up with innovation approaches and challenges."

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Country Lao People's Democratic Republic

"I am from Laos, I was an entrepreneur before attending Goldsmiths. The reason that I have chosen Goldsmiths is the programme meets my academic requirements and professional aspirations, and also the professors are brilliant and approachable.

Being able to win a (UK Government Scholarship) and an (from Goldsmiths) has given me a golden opportunity to study at my ideal university.

I am currently attending a MSc in Management of Innovation programme at the Institute of Management Studies (IMS), Goldsmiths University of London. The programme mixes theory and practice, which allows me to obtain a professional qualification in project management, to enhance leadership development and to keep up with innovation approaches and challenges which are key components for today's business success. I can immediately apply these conceptual and theoretical implications of innovation to practical applications on my existing business. Particularly, the Innovation Case Studies (ICS) is a unique opportunity for students to come face-to-face with some of the world's leading innovators as they discuss innovation challenges and opportunities they have faced in their professional careers."

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