Assessment Only Routes for Teachers
The assessment only route to qualified teacher status (QTS) allows teachers to demonstrate that they already meet all the QTS standards, without the need for any further training.

To start your application, please download our Assessment Only Route to QTS (Word) and return it to our AO Administrator, Lynsey Salt.
If you are eligible, you will need to present a detailed portfolio of evidence, and your teaching will be assessed in a school by Goldsmiths.
The whole AO process should take no longer than three months from the start of the process: receipt/review of the application, initial interview, and submission of evidence and assessment. If you need longer than this, you are not ready for the AO route and might be better suited to do an ITT route.
Will you need a new DBS check, we will discuss this with you at the interview.
There is a fee which covers the application process, initial assessment and needs identification, portfolio advice and final assessment. There is no funding to support you.
Your School
You will need to gain support from your Headteacher, who will need to complete and provide a written statement of support, confirming that they support your application and that you are a strong candidate for the award of QTS.
An AO Assessor from Goldsmiths will observe you teaching in your school and discuss observations with the relevant school staff. Your school will need to provide appropriate cover arrangements for both assessment days. You will be observed teaching across both age ranges
Your teaching experience needs to demonstrate that you have had significant and relevant experience of teaching across two consecutive age phases and been employed as an unqualified teacher for at least 2 years in two separate schools. For further information, see section A 1.5 of the DfE Guidance.
You don't have to be in the mainstream state sector, you can have your teaching assessed in an independent school or FE college, but you must have been employed as an unqualified teacher for at least 2 years.