Andrea Khora

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Andrea Khora's MPhil/PhD Art research project

New Sight: The Alchemy of Surveillance into Resistance in Near Future Worlds

My practice-based Ph.D. research critically examines the history of surveillance, focusing on the mining of occult knowledge systems by the CIA during the cold war and its relationship to the embedded computational surveillance techniques employed today (Zuboff 2019).

In my studio practice, I employ strategies put forth by Mark Fisher’s essay Acid Communism and Simon O’Sullivan’s concept of Mythopoesis, which use the reimagining of histories and enacting mythologized futures as exit points from hegemonic systems of power.

I utilize my existing practices of sculpture, writing, and performance as a means to explore how individuals and collectives experience subjectivity within today’s oppressively complex systems of information and reality creation.

My archival research into the psychic surveillance work done by the CIA while at the Stanford Research Institute directly informs a new series of sculptural objects, which are vital elements in two forthcoming performance and installation works made for the project.

Ultimately, the project proposes the ability of art practice to function as a plane of potentiality for individuals and collectives to assert agency within larger systems of control.


  • Bonnie Camplin
  • Emily Rosamond
