Susuana Amoah

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Susuana Amoah's MPhil/PhD Art research project

Exploring decolonial curatorial practices in English contemporary galleries

This research project explores how cultural equity can be realised in public contemporary art galleries in England through decolonial approaches to curatorial practice. The study maps the influence of European modern art theories within the development of conventional contemporary curatorial practices and examines how these colonial/modernist ideologies and practices work to produce epistemicide and reinforce cultural imperialism.

By analysing models of curation within various creative sectors through a decolonial lens, this research aims to uncover and develop alternative approaches and methods to curating that can work to achieve cultural equity. Through the engagement of a mixture of participatory action research and creative qualitative evaluation methods, this practice-led research project ultimately aims to develop an ethical framework and guidance for decolonial curatorial practice.


  • Michael Archer
  • Francisco Carballo
