Thomas Strøbech

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Thomas Strøbech's MPhil/PhD Art research project

Fictioneering rogues, or the end of the artist

Strobech finds himself suspended in a network of fictions somewhere between Cervantes’ happy fantasy Don Quixote and the modern painful versions of the fable of “men and women seized and condemned by passion for the book and the will to live this passion” (Rancière). By enacting mortifying fictional plots Strobech seeks to annihilate prosaic reality (mortification being a key non-refutable wager). —Thus Strobech is determined to substitute the prevalent standards of utility and philistinism with the measure of greatness. Viewed from an emancipatory perspective, the research seeks to ascertain whether efficacy lies in the fictions/actions as they are enacted in the real, whether it’s all in the telling—the post event archival work—or whether it is all a massive failure (personal).