Go Abroad contacts

How to contact the people who run the Study and Work Abroad schemes.

Primary page content

If you want more information on opportunities to study, work and volunteer abroad you can contact the Global Opportunities team via email on goabroad (@gold.ac.uk). You can also email us to arrange an information session with one of our team over Microsoft Teams.

The Global Opportunities team are:

Jack Selby, Global Opportunities Manager: j.selby (@gold.ac.uk)
Malikah Ullah, Global Opportunities Officer: m.ullah (@gold.ac.uk)
Luca Hardonyi, Global Opportunities Coordinator: l.hardonyi (@gold.ac.uk)

The team generally works Mon-Fri, 9am - 5pm.

You can also visit our VLE page to be kept updated on opportunities to study and work abroad. For past participant experiences and more on the specific opportunities available, go to the Go Abroad YouTube channel.

Academic department contacts

There is one contact within each academic department. Contact the colleagues below for more information on international opportunities within your department. This will also be your departmental contact for students who are nominated to study abroad for a term.

DepartmentNameEmail (@gold.ac.uk)
Anthropology Sergen Bahceci s.bahceci
Art Bernard Walsh b.walsh
Computing Frederic Leymarie f.leymarie
CALL Marl’ene Edwin m.edwin 
Design Stuart Bannocks s.bannocks
Educational Studies Betty Liebovich b.liebovich
English Caroline Blinder c.blinder
History Alexandra Lee a.lee
ICCE Paul Yuille p.yuille
IMS Brian Cepparulo b.cepparulo
MCCS  Kathryn Higgins k.higgins
Music Naomi Matsumoto n.matsumoto
Politics  Alexandra Lee a.lee
Psychology Andrew Cooper a.cooper
Sociology Martin Savransky m.savransky
STaCS Kevin Jones k.jones
Theatre and Performance Ben Levitas b.levitas
Visual Cultures Anthony Faramelli a.faramelli