Marta Minetti

Staff details

Marta's research focuses on Immigration Law, EU Criminal Law and Global Human Mobility and Populism studies.

Marta Minetti is a Lecturer in Law, specialising in Immigration Law and Global Human Mobility. She was previously teaching EU Law and Criminal Law at the University of Exeter.

Marta is in the final stages of her PhD at Queen Mary, University of London. Her doctoral research focuses on the legislative contrast to irregular migration and humanitarian assistance in Italy, its relation with the expansion of the populist rhetoric in the legislative field and the incompatibilities with the cardinal principles of the Rule of Law.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD Law (to be awarded), Queen Mary, University of London
  • LLM International Criminal Law with Human Rights, The University of Kent
  • BSc Communication, Universitá della Svizzera Italiana

Research interests

Marta's research interests are focused on the future of Global Human Mobility and how it can impact the respect for the Rule of Law principles.

Transnational human mobility is a core feature of contemporary globalisation, on which the
creation of global markets, the meets of demand for labour in developed nations, and the
sustainment of developing economies are based. Nevertheless, the legislative developments that have followed, have increasingly been aimed at repressing, rather than facilitating this feature. More specifically, the legal contexts in which policy responses have been developed have initially stemmed from the criminal law domain, while later turned into a legal contrast based on the application of administrative tools having similar coercive effects of the criminal ones. In recent times, populist political movements have instrumentalized criminal and
administrative law precisely for the purposes of deterring and discouraging irregular
departures and to create a hostile environment both for those irregularly crossing the
borders and those assisting them.

Marta's research interests lie in the field of Immigration Law, EU Criminal Law, International Human Rights Law, Transnational Criminal Law, Populism and on Citizenship studies.

Professional projects

Marta has worked together with the OECD as external consultant on Citizenship by Investment and Residence by Investment programs and as research intern for the United Nations OHCHR in Antananarivo (Madagascar).