Social justice

We focus on the micro, mezzo and macro levels, engaging with practitioners, the public, and policy-makers to tackle inequalities, social injustices, and promote the wellbeing of communities and organisations.

Primary page content

Social, Therapeutic and Community Studies (STaCS) is home for internationally renowned researchers exploring social, as well as environmental justice issues.

This area of specialism targets key issues such as the wellbeing of BAME families in the UK, disaster social work, migration and refugees, gender-based violence, as well as social inequalities.


Highlighted project

Evaluating the Migration Museums' People's Panel and Network and Co-creating the Migration Museum Values and Toolkit for community engagement

This Catalyst Award funded research project seeks to support embedding community engagement as central to the Migration Museum.

The People’s Panel and Network have been established as a project to choose the values and guidelines that drive exhibitions, activities, and events at the Museum, both in Lewisham and beyond.

Covid-19 impact on children in BAME families (Co-POWeR)

Exploring the impact of Covid-19 on children in BAME families. This study explored the combined impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and racial discrimination on the lives of children, young people and families of Black, Asian and minority ethnic background (BAME). 

Contact us to find out more about our work: panagiotis.pentaris (