Result dates

When and how the results of assessments and exams are given.

Primary page content

Details of when results will be published will be added to this place closer to the time.

Transcripts and certificates

See our page on transcripts and certificates.

We advise that you attempt to log into My Goldsmiths ahead of the results release dates to ensure that you can access your results when they are available. If you have any issues logging in, now or when your results are released, please contact mygoldhelp (

You should also check your name and address(es) we have on record, including spellings. This is particularly important if you’re a final year student as your transcript of results will be sent to your home address, when we are able to do so. We will also confirm your home address with the University of London for the posting of your certificate. 

If you are a final year student whose home address is not in the Latin alphabet (e.g. it is in Mandarin, Arabic etc.), please ensure you follow these instructions.

If you have a question about a result or resit, please get in touch with your Senior Tutor or Module Convenor initially.

If you have a question about the Goldsmiths Academic Regulations, please contact Registry.

If you’re feeling anxious or low, or you just need someone to talk to, the Wellbeing Service can offer advice and support.