Highlighted projects

A selection of projects from the researchers in the Centre for Critical Global Change.

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Ripping up the Rulebook

Exploring the changes and innovations in UK substance use treatment and support following the Covid-19 pandemic and what this means for doing treatment differently in the future. It is a study led by Dr Fay Dennis and funded by the Wellcome Trust.

Animal Scales seminar series

This seminar series asks after the disciplinary, theoretical, methodological, empirical, political, ethical, and legal implications of thinking animals in and through scale.

Led by Dr Mariam Motamedi-Fraser, the Animal Scales series a collaboration between the Goldsmiths’ Centre for Critical Global Change and UCL Anthropocene.

After Progress

What would it take to make lives worth living after progress? This transdisciplinary project led by CGC Director Dr Martin Savransky, and Dr Craig Lundy (London Met) brought together scholars and artists to critically examine the planetary consequences of the modern ideal of progress and to imagine alternative futures.

The project was generously funded by the Sociological Review Foundation.

Evidence-Making Interventions in Health

The Evidence-Making Interventions in Health program of research investigates how to optimise the translation and implementation of complex health interventions by advancing more emergent and adaptive approaches to evidence-making.

We do this by reflecting critically on practices of evidence-making in implementation science and public health.