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GAMSOC is a project about gambling in Europe. It explores how regulations and technologies are framing a diversity of gambling products and behaviours across geographical, legal, historical and conceptual boundaries.

Within the field of gambling studies, the impact of regulations and technologies has been underexplored in favour of a focus on quantifying and categorizing gamblers and gambling activities within national boundaries. The project addresses this imbalance. For this purpose, it uses an anthropological approach which is more sensitive to cultural factors and the way particular gambling activities are shaped locally throughout Europe. The variety of social contexts is highlighted through the study of four distinctive case studies that will be combined systematically.

GAMSOC is funded by the European Research Council under under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n° 263443. It started in January 2011 and it is due to end in December 2014. It is hosted at Goldsmiths, the University of London within the anthropology department. The principal investigator is Professor.