Leverhulme programme archive publications

Please see below publications related to the projects 1-5.

Primary page content

Project 1: Spaces of the News

James Curran et al, (2013) ‘Auntie Knows Best? Public Broadcasting and Public Affairs Knowledge’, British Journal of Political Science

(2013) ‘International TV News, Foreign Affairs Interest and Public Knowledge: A Comparative Study of Foreign News Coverage and Public Opinion in 11 Countries’, Journalism Studies 14 (3)‌

___ (2013)  ‘Online Threat, but Television is Still Dominant: A Comparative Study of 11 Nations’, Journalism Practice

James Curran, Natalie Fenton and D. Freedman (2012) , 
, Routledge.

James Curran (2012), ‘The Internet and the Transformation of Journalism’ in John Lloyd and Janice Winter (eds) Media, Politics and the Public, Ax:son, Stockholm, pp.51-64.

___ (2011) Media and Democracy, Routledge.‌

___ (2010) ‘The Future of Journalism’, Journalism Studies, 11(4), 2010, 464-476. 

___ (2010) ‘Reinterpreting Internet History’ in Y. Jewkes and M. Yar (eds.) Handbook of Internet Crime, Willan, pp. 17-37. ‌

___ (2009) ‘Technology Foretold’ in N Fenton (ed.) New Media, Old News: Journalism and Democracy in the Digital Age, London: Sage.

___ and Tamara Witschge (2009) ‘Liberal Dreams and the Internet’ in N Fenton (ed.) New Media, Old News: Journalism and Democracy in the Digital Age, London: Sage.

Aeron Davis (2010) ‘The Mediation of Finance: An Inverted Political Economy of Communication Approach’ in Winseck, D and Jin, D eds. Media Political Economies: Hierarchies, Markets and Finance in the Global Media Industries, London: Bloomsbury

___ (2010) Political Communication and Social Theory, London: Routledge

___ (2010) ‘Politics, Journalism and New Media: Virtual Iron Cages in the New Culture of Capitalism’ in Fenton, N ed. New Media, Old News, London: Sage

___ (2009) ‘New Media and Fat Democracy: The Paradox of Online Participation’ in New Media and Society, Vol. 11, No. 8, pp 1-19

___ (2009) ‘Evaluating Communication in the Parliamentary Public Sphere’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp 280-97

Natalie Fenton (2012) ‘'Online journalism - the de-democratisation of the News?' in E. Siapera, Handbook of Online Journalism, London: Blackwell

___ (2011) ‘Multiplicity, autonomy and the mediated politics of new social movements ’ in L. Dahlberg and S.Phelan (eds.) Discourse Theory and Media Politics, Palgrave.

___ and Veronica Barassi (2011) ‘Alternative Media and Social Networking Sites: the Politics of Individuation and Political Participation’ Communication Review

___, Des Freedman and Tamara Witschge (2012) ‘Protecting the News: Civil Society and the Media’ Geopolitics, History, and International Relations Volume 2(2) 

___ and Tamara Witschge (2009), ‘Comment is free, facts are sacred: Journalistic ethics in a changing mediascape’ in Graham Miekle and Guy Redden (eds) (2009) OnLine News and Journalism, London:Palgrave Macmillan.

___ (ed.) (2010),  (ed.) London: Sage (Vietnamese edition 2012: Chinese edition 2013, forthcoming).

___ (2009), ‘Drowning or waving? New media, journalism and democracy’ in N Fenton (ed.) New Media, Old News: Journalism and Democracy in the Digital Age (ed.) (2009) London: Sage.

___ (2009) ‘NGOs, New Media and the Mainstream News: News from everywhere’ in N Fenton (ed.) New Media, Old News: Journalism and Democracy in the Digital Age, London: Sage

___ (2009), ‘Re-imagining democracy: new media, young people, participation and politics’ in P. Dahlgren and T. Olson (eds.) Young Citizens, ICT’s and Democracy, Nordicom Press

___ (2009), ‘New Media, Politics and Resistance’, in J. Downing and M. Pajnik (eds.) Alternative Media and New Public Settings, Ljubljana: The Peace Institute.

___ (2008) ‘Mediating Hope: New Media, Politics and Resistance’ International Journal of Cultural Studies Vol. 11, No. 2, 230-248.

Des Freedman (2009) ‘The Political Economy of the “New” News Environment’ in N Fenton (ed.) New Media, Old News: Journalism and Democracy in the Digital Age, London: Sage

___, Angela Phillips and Nick Couldry (2009) ‘An Ethical Deficit? Accountability, Norms, and the Material Conditions of Contemporary Journalism’ in N Fenton (ed.) New Media, Old News: Journalism and Democracy in the Digital Age, London: Sage

Peter Lee-Wright (2010) ‘Digital Demeanour: The Shifting Dynamics of Work in Journalism Today’ in Peter Lee-Wright, Angela Phillips & Tamara Witschge, Changing Journalism Abingdon: Routledge

___ (2010) ‘Nailing Jello to the Masthead: Regulation in the Journalistic Free Market’ in Peter Lee-Wright, Angela Phillips & Tamara Witschge, Changing Journalism Abingdon: Routledge

___ (2009) ‘Culture Shock: New media and organizational change in the BBC’ in N Fenton (ed.) Futures of the News, London: Sage

___ (2008) ‘Virtual News: BBC News at a ‘Future Media and Technology’ Crossroads’ Convergence (The International Journal of Research into New Technologies) Special Issue on European Public Service Media in the Digital Age: Institutions and Practices

Angela Phillips, Peter Lee Wright, Tamara Witschge (2011) Changing Journalism, Routledge.

___ (2010), ‘Transparency and the New Ethics of Journalism’, in B. Franklin and M. Carlson eds. Journalists, Sources, and Credibility: New Perspectives

___ (2009) Old Sources: New Bottles in N Fenton (ed.) New Media, Old News: Journalism and Democracy in the Digital Age, London: Sage.

Joanna Redden & Tamara Witschge (2009) ‘A new news order? Online news content examined’. In N. Fenton (ed.) New Media, Old News: Journalism and Democracy in the Digital Age. London: Sage (2009).

Tamara Witschge & Gunnar Nygren (2010) ‘Journalism: A profession under pressure?’ In Journal of Media Business Studies.

___ (2008) ‘Examining online public discourse in context: A mixed method approach’. Javnost—the Public15(2).


James Curran, Journalism and Society, Routledge.

Natalie Fenton, New Media and Radical Politics, London: Polity

Peter Lee-Wright The Death of Auntie: the demise of a great institution 

Angela Phillips Transparency and the new ethics of journalism, Journalism Practice, Routledge

Project 2: Metadata in the Age of Ubiquitous Media


Lash, S  (2011), "Deforming the Figure: Topology and the Social Imaginary", Theory, Culture & Society, vol. 29, nos. 4-5, September 2012, pp. 261-287

___ (2011) "Seit und Erfahrung" in Erich Hörl (ed.) Die Technologische Bedingung (Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M.)

Bachman, G. (2012) "Die Zeit der Listen - Ethnographische Beobachtungen zu neuen Formen der Kollekivität im Japanischen Netz" in J H Passoth, J Wehner (ed.) Von der Klasse zum Cluster (VS: Weisbaden)

___ and Dan McQuillan (2012) "On the individuation of social media" Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 4/2012

Hui, Yuk (2013), Deduction, Induction and Transduction – on digital objects and media aesthetics, in Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, 8/2013

___ (2012), “What is a digital object,” in Philosophy of the Web, Special issue of Metaphilosophy. July 2012

___ (2011), Computational Turn or a New Weltbild?, in Unseen/Junctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue, ed. S. Ballard

___ (2010), “A Phenomenological Inquiry on the Emergence of Digital Things,” in Schwinghammer, A. & Menrath, K., ed., What does a chameleon look like? Topographies of Immersion, (Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag)

___ (2009) “The New Politics of the New Media,” in Rajan N., The Digitized Imagination, (Routledge)


Bachman, G., Lash, S., and Zimmer, R., (2013) Metadata and Media Theory, Sage: London

Hui, Yuk "Search" in Benjamin Robertson, Marie-Laure Ryan & Lori Emerson (Eds) John Hopkins Encyclopedia of Textuality (John Hopkins University Press, forthcoming) 

Project 3: Mediatising Place


'Social Atoms and Electronic lives': Cultures of Change Programme, Barcelona, Spain 11/12/2009 - 28/02/2010 - exhibited the News Telescope

'MakeBelieve' Exhibition, London Design Festival, 19-27 September, 2009 at Kinnarps, Dryden Street, London - exhibited the News Telepscope and Digital Legend

Prospect’: London Design Festival, Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, September 2008. Exhibited prototypes of Digital Legend. RSS News Telescope, Dataglyph Map.


Waller, M., Rosenburg, T.E., 2006 "Re-Presencing A Denser Now - Scopic Devices for the London EYE" (Eds) J. Knight & J.G. Sheridan 3rd International Design for Engagement Conference Proceedings, Creative Sciences


Fairfax, D. 'The Speculative Practitioner: Toward an ethic on "in-vention" and "plastic change"' Design Philosophy Papers, Issue 2 2012

___ 'Toward an 'Urmadic' Pedagogy: The Re-directive 'technics' of Design Education', Design Philosophy Papers, Issue 2, 2013

Project 4: Europe in Motion


Kevin Robins (2011) 'How tell what remains: Sulukule Nevermore' Cultural Politics, Vol 7 no. 1 March 2011a 

___ (2010) 'Code Unknown: Roma/Gypsy Montage' in Kevin Robins (ed.) Special Issue of City, Vol. 14, no 6 December 

Monika Metykova (2010) 'Only a Mouse Click Away from Home: Transnational Practices of Eastern European Migrants in the United Kingdom' in Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, vol. 16, issue 3, May.

Shaun Moores and Monika Metykova (2010) "I Didn’t Realize How Attached I Am": On the Environmental Experiences of Trans-European Migrants' in European Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 13, no. 2, May.

Shaun Moores and Monika Metykova (2009)nbsp;'Knowing How to Get Around: Place, Migration and Communication' in Communication Review, vol.12, no. 4, December.

Monika Metykova and Paschal Preston (2009) 'An Elusive "European" Public Sphere?: The Role of Shared Journalistic Cultures" in Alec Charles (ed.) Media in the enlarged Europe: Politics, Policy and Industry Intellect: Bristol  

Monika Metykova and Paschal Preston (2009) 'Media, Political Communication and the European Public Sphere' in Michael Krsyzanowski, Anna Triandafyllidou and Ruth Wodak (Eds.) Europe in Crisis? The European Public Sphere and the National Media in the Post-War Period Palgrave: London


Kevin Robins, Monika Metykova and Asu Aksoy Transforming Media CulturesTowards Cosmopolitan Communications in Europe. London: I B Tauris (forthcoming 2012)

Monika Metykova  “Bridge Guard: Art in the Service of a Bridge.” In Libora Oates-Indruchová and Thomas Lindenberger (eds.) Demarcations and Border-Crossings: Borders in Social and Cultural Practice of Communist and Postcommunist Europe. Oxford University Press, (forthcoming 2012)

Project 5: Tracking the Moving Image, Mapping the Screen


Chris Berry (2012) 'Shanghai's Public Screen Culture: Local and Coeval' Communications and Society 21. Hong Kong, in Chinese 25-50

Harbord J., and Moore R., (2011) 'Film in Our Midst: City as Cinematic Archive' in Francios Penz and Andong Lu (eds.) Urban Cinematics, Bristol: Intellect Books

___, Berry, C., Dickenson, K., Moore, R. (2010) 'Archive, Surveillance, Attention: Tracking the Screen in Public Spaces' in At the Very Beginning, at the Very End: Film Theories in Perspective, (eds.) Francesco Casetti, Jane Graines and Velentina Re. Udine: Forum

___, and Moore, R. (2010) "Watching the Watchers: Objects and Screens at the Science Museum, London" in Cinema and Art Contemporain 2, Conference Proceedings. Sorbonne Nouvelle University Press


Chris Berry, Janet Harbord and Rachel Moore Public Space, Media Space. (Basingstoke:Palgrave Macmillan forthcoming 2013)

___, Janet Harbord, Amal Khalaf, and Rachel Moore Public Screens and Everyday Life: Cairo, London, Shanghai (Amsterdam University Press, forthcoming 2013)

___ and Yu Wenhao Screening Shanghai (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, forthcoming 2013).