Industrial action

Information on industrial action at Goldsmiths.

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Representatives from the College and Goldsmiths University and College Union have entered into conciliation meetings which are being facilitated by Acas, the workplace specialists. Following the first meeting the below joint statement was agreed. 

“Goldsmiths, University of London and Goldsmiths UCU welcomed the opportunity to meet under the auspices of Acas and have had constructive discussions on Monday 15 July. Parties plan on having a further session on Monday 22 July, supported again by Acas.”

Strike action

Members of UCU at Goldsmiths took strike action in June 2024, having started action short of a strike (ASOS) in April with the mandate for both lasting six months. 

Strike action took place on:

  • Monday 17 June to Friday 21 June – five days  
  • Monday 24 June to Friday 28 June – five days

Action short of a strike 

Members of the University and College Union at Goldsmiths have voted in favour of taking strike action and action short of a strike in academic year 2023-24, as part of a local dispute over the College's Transformation Programme. 

The union has informed the College it will take action short of a strike (ASOS) from 19 April 2024, with the mandate for this action lasting six months. 

ASOS is a form of industrial action which can be used to impact core duties of the College and which stops short of a full withdrawal of duties as with strike action. 

This round of ASOS consists of UCU members at Goldsmiths:  

  • Undertaking a Marking and Assessment Boycott 
  • Working to contract 
  • Not covering for absent colleagues or vacant posts 
  • Not rescheduling lectures or classes cancelled due to strike action 
  • Not undertaking any voluntary activities 
  • Boycotting all processes relating to the implementation of workstreams 1-4 of the Transformation Programme

What this means for students

The College is very sorry that UCU members at Goldsmiths are taking industrial action and we have asked colleagues to seriously consider the impact any action may have on students at such an important time. 

Students should work to all existing deadlines and submit work as planned, as the College considers what mitigations and support we can put in place help to support you during Summer term. This information will be shared as soon as possible via email and on this page.

Published 22 April 2024

Last updated 16 July 2024