Media modules


We offer a wide range of option modules each year. Below are some examples of modules that are currently running. For a full list, including sample reading lists for each module, please contact the Department of Media and Communications.

Please note that some modules have a limited capacity.

Students on Pathway 1: Theory can also choose up to 30 credits from our practical options list, please contact the Department for more information.

Theory options

Examples of recent theory option modules include:

Module title Credits
Contemporary Feminist Media Cultures
Cultural Studies and Capitalism
Digital Audiovisual Media: New Aesthetics and Practices
Digital Culture Critical Theory
Embodiment and Experience (Postgraduate)
Experimental Media
Journalism in Context
Mediating Violence: Feminist, Queer, Decolonial Perspectives (PG, 30 Credits)
Media, Law and Ethics (PG)
Money, Society, and Culture
Music as Communication and Creative Practice (PG)
Political Economy of the Media (PG)
Politics of the Audiovisual (Postgraduate)
Promotional Culture (Postgraduate)
Race, Empire and Nation (PG 30 credits)
Representing Reality
Social Media in Everyday Life: A global perspective (PG)
Software Studies
The Structure of Political Communications (PG)
The City and Public Culture (Postgraduate)
Virtual and immersive media experience PG 30
Archaeology of the Moving Image (Postgraduate)
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