Dr Nuria Cortes-Romero

Staff details

Dr Nuria Cortes-Romero


Lecturer in Tourism and Cultural Policy | Digital Lecturer in Tourism and Cultural Diplomacy


Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship


N.CortesRomero (@gold.ac.uk)

Nuria focuses on tourism as a cross-phenomenon related to cultural policy, leisure, urban regeneration, and localization

Nuria is a Lecturer in the MA in Tourism and Cultural Policy. She also teaches optional modules for the MA in Arts Administration and Cultural Policy and the MA in Luxury Brand Management. Additionally, she is developing e-learning teaching for postgraduate programmes related to tourism, cultural diplomacy and cultural policy - leading the design, production and delivery of future courses as part of GOAL.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD in Leisure and Human Development (University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain - International Award)
  • MA in Leisure Studies - Management of Culture and Tourism Projects and Events (University of Deusto, Bilbao - Spain)
  • Diploma in International Commerce (Chamber of Commerce, Pamplona - Spain)
  • BSc in Business Administration and Management (University of Navarre, Pamplona - Spain)

Teaching and supervision

Nuria supervises research projects and dissertations on tourism, cultural policy, creative and cultural industries, and regeneration projects.

Research interests

Her research interests include - the measurement of impacts in events, tourism phenomena, urban regeneration, and city transformation from a glocal perspective of development (localization).

Nuria has also worked over the last 12 years on international research and consultancy projects in collaboration with organisations such as the World Leisure Organisation, ENCATC, and Private Consultancy.

Publications and research outputs


Cortes-Romero, Nuria. 2022. A reflective case analysis of an interactive and collaborative teaching practice under unexpected circumstances, the use of the MURAL digital tool. /encatcSCHOLAR, ISSN 2466-6394

Book Section

Cortes-Romero, Nuria. 2024. Los legados de grandes eventos de ocio como instrumentos de fomento y desarrollo de ciudades anfitrionas magnéticas y atractivas. In: María Jesús Monteagudo Sánchez, ed. Ciudades para vivir. Habitar y Transitar. Madrid: Catarata, pp. 235-254. ISBN 9788413529431

Cortes-Romero, Nuria. 2018. Grandes eventos de ocio y política cultural, definición de un contexto teórico configurado por la diplomacia cultural y la ciudad anfitriona. In: Fernando Bayón and M.C. Palmero, eds. Sociedad del ocio, políticas de la cultura. Bilbao: Universidad de Burgos, pp. 227-245. ISBN 9788416283613

Cortes-Romero, Nuria and Ortega, Cristina. 2012. Cooperación cultural en situaciones de crisis. In: Jaime Cuenca Amigo and Joseba Doistua Nebreda, eds. OcioGune 2012. El ocio trans-formado[r], resignificaciones y tendencias del ocio en tiempos de crisis : comunicaciones. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto, pp. 35-52. ISBN 9788498303537

Conference or Workshop Item

Cortes-Romero, Nuria and Figueira, Carla. 2022. 'Teaching practices under unexpected circumstances: using online tools during Covid-19'. In: 13th Annual ENCATC Education and Research Session. Antwerp, Belgium 17 October 2022.


Cortes-Romero, Nuria. 2012. Apuntes sobre cooperación cultural al desarrollo (I). Concepto y factores [Blog].