Projects, reports and research briefs
Read some of the recent and ongoing research projects from Britain in Europe.
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Knowing our Rights (KOR)
Knowing our Rights (KOR) research project aims to provide analysis, and to deepen and increase understanding, of the application of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in the UK, based on academic scholarship and engagement with the public, young people in particular.
The project is concerned to ensure that the public in the UK obtains a balanced, research-based view of rights in the European Convention, as applied in the UK through the Human Rights Act 1998.
The project also aims to raise public awareness of how the European Court of Human Rights operates, how its case law is accommodated in the UK and the consequences for our human rights that would derive from the UK potentially withdrawing from the Convention or watering down relevant rights.
The project explores these critical issues in the context of post-Brexit withdrawal from the human rights protections contained in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, and of the ECHR protections incorporated in EU law as well as in the context of continuing uncertainty about the potential to replace the Human Rights Act with a UK Bill of Rights.
'Knowing Our Rights' was founded and is currently directed, by Dimitrios Giannoulopoulos, Prof of Law at Goldsmiths, University of London, who is also the founder and director of BiE. The project was launched following a successful funding application to the Open Society Initiative for Europe (Open Society Forum), and received funding from the OSF between September 2016 and July 2018.
Lawyers for a People's Vote' letter
A Lawyers for a People's Vote letter, published in the Guardian on Friday, July 5th, urges both candidates for the Tory leadership to commit to implementing the legal arrangements for a confirmatory vote as an integral part of the Brexit decision. A number of BiE experts are amongst the signatories, including Jonathan Cooper OBE, who is a spokesperson for the Lawyers for a People's Vote organisation, BiE director, Prof Dimitrios Giannoulopoulos, Prof Paul Roberts (Nottingham), former Judge HH Jeremy Roberts, Associate Professor Ruvi Ziegler (Reading), and Goldsmiths Visiting Professor in Law, Kirsty Brimelow QC.
In a letter sent to all MPs on Wednesday, March 13, Britain in Europe experts comprising academics from across the UK, Europe and beyond, as well as barristers, solicitors and other European experts, have written to all MPs to ask them to reject the possibility of no deal.
BiE experts call upon Parliament to reject no-deal
In a letter sent to all MPs on Wednesday, March 13, Britain in Europe experts comprising academics from across the UK, Europe and beyond, as well as barristers, solicitors and other European experts, have written to all MPs to ask them to reject the possibility of no deal. Read BiE's letter here.