Mee Rhim Song
Student work

A collection of garments from my wardrobe were unpicked and sewn back together by hand. They are ‘Post-fashions’, hung above the mandala made of my entire wardrobe. As a wearer turned maker, I invite people to join in the practice of unpicking and sewing back together their garments, opening up a space to reflect on ourselves through the making of the garments.
In our society we value head over body, and intellect over labour. The world of fashion operates on the system of production that exploits workers and the environment, which enables the fast shift in trends and easy consumption.
This project attempts to challenge the Cartesian demarcation of mind and body, which is prevalent in the hierarchy of knowledge and materials in the system of capitalism, by practicing tacit knowledge. Through hands that respond to materials, we could enter into the territory of non-sense, a different reality. Could this tell different story of binaries and demarcations in life?