David Mabb

Staff details

David Mabb


Reader in Art and Programme Leader MFA Fine Art (Studio Practice)




d.mabb (@gold.ac.uk)

David Mabb

David Mabb is an artist who works with appropriated imagery to rethink the political implications of different aesthetic forms in modern art and design history. Recent work has focussed on the designs of 19th Century English interior designer, writer and socialist William Morris. Mabb’s interest in Morris stems from the social and political connotations of Morris’ work, the continued relevancy of Morris’ politics and the continuing market for Morris’ designs. Mabb’s interpretations or reconfigurations of Morris’ designs consider the relationship between Morris’ own work and other forms of cultural production.

Academic qualifications

  • BA Fine Art Goldsmiths College 1980
  • MA Fine Art Chelsea School of Art 1981

Teaching and supervision

Publications and research outputs


Mabb, David. 2024. Sweet Briar Leaves (from the painting of the same name by David Mabb, 2001, painted by Rajendra Sharma, 2005). In: "Extempore 24", Tension Fine Art, London, United Kingdom, 22 February - 2 March 2024.

Mabb, David. 2023. 'Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful'. In: "Sieh einmal die schönen Blumen", Jägerschere gallery for contemporary art, Niederer-Fläming Germany, Germany, 7 May - 11 June 2023.

Mabb, David. 2023. ‘Lietuva’ and ‘The Benetton Shop' from 'Art into Everyday Life’. In: "Outsiders Look at Vilnius", National Gallery of Art, Vilnius, Lithuania, 7 April - 11 June 2023.

Exhibition Catalogue

Mabb, David. 2014. Announcer (broadsheet).

Drake, Colin and Mabb, David. 2008. Commodity Form.

Mabb, David; Jablonskiene, Lolita and Rees, Simon. 2006. Mabb: Art into Everday Life.

Artist's Book

Mabb, David. 2004. Furthermore … ‘a book of proposals’: Proposal for The Linosa Close Transitional Monument.

Conference or Workshop Item

Mabb, David. 2024. 'Dialectical Reversal in About Two Worlds'. In: ‘Pattern and Chaos in Art, Science and Everyday Life: Critical Intersections and Creative Practice’ Book Launch. Norwich University of the Arts, United Kingdom 19 March 2024.

Mabb, David. 2021. 'The Kelmscott facsimile works and new book cover designs: Dialectical propositions'. In: The Kelmscott Press and Its Legacies. St Bride Foundation, London, United Kingdom 6 November 2021.

Mabb, David. 2019. 'William Morris’ ‘Tudor Rose’ and the Royal Navy'. In: Morris & Co. Interiors A symposium organised by the National Trust. Art Workers Guild, London, United Kingdom 6 November 2019.

Art Object

Mabb, David. 2019. A pattern of life.

Mabb, David. 2016. A Provisional Memorial to Nuclear Disarmament.

Mabb, David. 2016. Maid with Two Squares.


Mabb, David. 2021. Annotations on Historical Materialism Conference Posters. Folded Life, Talking Textile Politics,

Mabb, David. 2021. News from SOMEWHERE. The Journal of William Morris Studies, XXIV(1-2), pp. 88-94. ISSN 1756-1353

Mabb, David. 2020. Kehinde Wiley, The Yellow Wallpaper. Journal of William Morris Studies, XXIII(4), pp. 35-40. ISSN 1756-1353


Mabb, David and Carey, Brainard. 2015. David Mabb: Interview with Brainard Carey.

Book Section

Mabb, David. 2023. Dialectical Reversal in About Two Worlds. In: Sarah Horton and Victoria Mitchell, eds. Pattern and Chaos in Art, Science and Everyday Life: Critical Intersections and Creative Practice. Bristol: Intellect, pp. 222-228. ISBN 9781789388718

Mabb, David. 2020. William Morris and the Culture Industry: Appropriation, Art, Critique. In: Florence S. Boos, ed. The Routledge Companion to William Morris. New York and Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 227-258. ISBN 9780415347433

Mabb, David and Malik, Suhail. 2017. Art Teaching: Dialectics of Practice and Theory. In: Peter Sonderen and Marijn de Langen, eds. Theory - Arts - Practices. Arnhem: ArtEZ Press, pp. 69-81. ISBN 978-94-91444-39-5


Mabb, David. 2025. Haymarket Books, Historical Materialism book series, cover designs..

Mabb, David. 2024. Historical Materialism Conference Poster 2024.

Mabb, David. 2023. Historical Materialism London Conference Poster 2023.


Mabb, David. 2018. Historical Materialism (logo and graphics).

Mabb, David. 2018. Image from Rhythm 69 for Journal of Socialist Studies/Études socialistes.

Mabb, David. 2016. Announcer.


Mabb, David. 2014. IDEA13 TV: Interview with artist DAVID MABB Focal Point Gallery 11 April 2014.

Lubna, Arielle Gem and Mabb, David. 2011. Art and Appropriation – when does artistic freedom become copyright infringement?.

Printed Ephemera

Mabb, David. 2023. Image for Cover for Cover Image Les Monde du Travail.

Mabb, David. 2019. Construct 63 (Graveside Oration for Rosa Luxemburg: Morris, Golden Lily / Malevich, Suprematist Composition), 2006.

Mabb, David. 2017. William Morris's Utopianism cover image David Mabb.