CISP Salon
The CISP Salon is a platform for centre members to explore and probe topics and issues related to science and technology in society.
Primary page content
The Salon is primarily led by doctoral and early career researchers and takes various forms including reading groups, projects, seminars, workshops etc.

CISP Salon 2016/17: Cyborgs

CISP Salon 2016/17: Configuration

CISP Salon 2016/17: Infrastructure

CISP Salon 2016/17: Postcolonial STS

CISP Salon 2014-15

CISP Salon 2011-12
Salon 1
17 November 2017
- Puig de la Bellacasa, M., 2017. Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More Than Human Worlds. University of Minnesota Press.
Salon 2
14 December 2017
- Puig de la Bellacasa, M., 2017.Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More Than Human Worlds. University of Minnesota Press.
Participants were also asked to bring some soil with them to the session, to act as a point of focus for our discussion.
Salon 3
25 January 2018
Workshop with Matthew Ritchie (
Salon 4
31st January 2018
Chaired by: Adrien de Sutter
Film and Reading:
- Guzmán, P. (Dir.), 2010 Nostalgia for the Light [Documentary]. Icarus Films.
- Martin-Jones, D., 2013. Archival Landscapes and a Non-Anthropocentric ‘Universe Memory’. Third Text 27(6), 707-722.
Salon 5
1st March 2018
Chaired by: Fay Dennis
- Rubio, D., 2016. The Discrepancy Between Objects and Things: An Ecological Approach. Journal of Material Culture 21(1), 59-86.
Salon 6
11th April 2018
Chaired by: Emily Jay Nicholls
- Mol, A., 2008. The Logic of Care. Routledge.
Salon 7
3rd May 2018
Visit to ‘Theatre of the Natural World’ Exhibition by Mark Dion at Whitechapel Gallery
Read more about our visit in this blog post by CISP members Liam Healy and Sarah Pennington
Session 8
19th June 2018
Chaired by: Sarah Pennington
- Gill, R., Donaghue, N., 2016. Resilience, Apps and Reluctant Individualism: Technologies of Self in the Neoliberal Academy. Women’s Studies International Forum 54, 91-99.
The CISP Salon is an ongoing forum where CISP members and others meet to exchange ideas and discuss their research interests. During the Autumn and Spring terms (2016-2017), the salon will focus on the evolution of theories and methods in Science and Technology Studies (STS). At each session, we will discuss two texts in conversation with one another, to trace how concepts have changed through time within the field. With this format, we aim to offer an entry point to STS for those new to the field, as well as providing a new discussion for those familiar with the literature.
Organisers: Baki Cakici and Jess Perriam (Sociology)
Salon 1: Cyborgs
27 October 2016
3pm-6pm, Warmington Tower 1204
Required reading:
- Haraway, D.J., 1991. A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century, in Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. Routledge, 149–181.
- Oudshoorn, N., 2016. The Vulnerability of Cyborgs: The Case of ICD Shocks. Science, Technology & Human Values 41, 767–792.
Salon 2: Configuration
30 November 2016
3-6pm, Warmington Tower 1204
Required reading:
- Suchman, L., 1987. “Human-Machine Communication”, in Plans and Situated Actions: The Problem of Human-Machine Communication. Cambridge University Press.
- Grimes, S.M., 2015. Configuring the Child Player. Science, Technology & Human Values 40, 126-148.
Salon 3: Infrastructure
18 January 2017
4-6pm, Warmington Tower 1204
Required reading:
- Star, S. L. 1999. “The Ethnography of Infrastructure.” American Behavioral Scientist 43 (3): 377–91.
Donovan, J., 2016. “Can You Hear Me Now?” Phreaking the Party Line from Operators to Occupy. Information, Communication & Society 19, 601–617.
Salon 4: Postcolonial STS
15 March 2017
3-5pm, Warmington Tower 1204
Required reading:
- Harding, S.G., 1994. Is Science Multicultural?: Challenges, Resources, Opportunities, Uncertainties. Configurations 2, 301–330.
- Smith, L.A., 2016. Identifying Democracy: Citizenship, DNA, and Identity in Postdictatorship Argentina. Science, Technology, & Human Values 41, 1037–1062.
Back to basics: Invention and social process
Organisers: Véra Ehrenstein, Sveta Milyaeva, and David Moats (Sociology)
Salon 1: Measures of/for health
Practices and instruments, co-organised with Alison Thomson (Design)
Salon 2: Politics of algorithms
The data strike back, co-organised with Baki Cakici and Francisca Gromme (Sociology, ARITHMUS project)
Salon 3: Investment as Solution
On transforming at-risk children into an investment proposition, co-organised with Daniel Neyland (Sociology, MISTS project)
17 February 2016
4:00-5:30pm, WT 1204
Salon 4: Title TBC
Co-organised with Liliana Ovalle (Design).
2 March 2016 4:00-5:30pm, Location TBC
Salon 5: Reworking sensing practices through environmental monitoring technologies
Co-organised with Jennifer Gabrys and Helen Pritchard (Sociology, Citizen Sense Project)
27 April 2016
4:00-5:30pm, WT 1204
CSISP Salon 2014-15
Organisers: Sveta Milyaeva, Noortje Marres, Vera Ehrenstein, David Moats
The CSISP Salon is an on-going event where CSISP members and others meet to debate issues in the field of the social studies of science and technology and beyond. This year we explore the broad theme of performance in relation to methods and problems. In line with this theme, the CSISP Salon aims to accompany texts with contextual materials in the form of films, news articles, field visits etc.
Salon 1: On not retiring from STS
Wednesay 12 November, 4 to 5:30, in WT1204
Salon 2: Performing Exercises
(organised with Nils Ellebrecht and Zuzana Hrdlickova)
Tuesday 18 November, from 3:00 to 4.30, in RHB 256
Salon 3: What about the resource implication? on natural resources and material politics
(organised with Irina Papazu)
Wednesday 3 December, from 3:00 to 5.30, in WT1204
Salon 4: Digital methods out of the box: experiment or fieldtrip
(organised with Ana-Maria Teohari and Jessamy Perriam)
Wednesday 4 February, time and location tbc
Salon 5: Performance: with, against or beyond the market?
Wednesday 4 March, 3:00 to 4.30, WT1204
Salon 6: What is/does a problem, an issue, a puzzle?
Wednesday 13 May, 4:00 to 6:00, WT1204
If you would like to attend, please send an email to Sveta Milyaeva or Noortje Marres
In an Age of Devices Before Devices, Are We All Post-Representation?
This is an invitation to CSISP members and Sociology PhDs to join us for the CSISP Salon led by David Oswell.
This Salon will be led by David Oswell and will explore the recent focus in STS on the concept of "devices". The intention though will be to contrast contemporary STS understandings of 'devices' with work in cultural theory and research from the 1980s. The intention is to raise questions about a 'post-representational' and 'materialist turn' in the context of the (inter)textualities of devices. In doing so, it is contended that for any sensible discussion of 'descriptive devices' an engagement with 'description' is as necessary as one with 'devices'.
David has chosen two readings: Ian Hunter's (1984) 'After representation' and Colin Mercer's (1984) 'Entertainment ore the policing of virtue'. The CSISP Salon is an ongoing meeting to debate issues within the field of sociology of science and technology and beyond. This year we are exploring the works of classic STS thinkers and imagining what a cannon of "CSISP classics" might look like.
CSISP Salon is an ongoing event where CSISP members meet to debate issues within the field of sociology of science and technology and beyond. This year the Salon will focus on the canon of "CSISP Classics". Each Salon will centre on figures central to the genealogy of STS, exploring the ways in which these thinkers animate the work of CSISP today. Participants are also encouraged to propose thinkers who are less commonly associated with STS, whose work might fruitfully be accommodated within this framework or indeed problematise it.
CSISP Salon is an ongoing event where CSISP members meet to debate issues within the field of sociology of science and technology and beyond. This year we explore devices, images and futures. In line with this theme, the CSISP Salon aims to accompany texts with the context in the form of films, news articles, exhibitions etc.
If you missed the last Salon you can read a re-telling on the all-new CSISP blog.
The CSISP Salon sprang back into action with its last instalment for 2011-2012 on April 25th Wednesday in the WT at 4.30pm. In the Salon, we were reading Javier Lezaun: 'A Market of opinions: the political epistemology of focus groups' (2007).
This was placed alongside some textual fragments that we pulled from the novella 'Mr Squishy' by David Foster Wallace.
Download the posters:
CSISP Salon 1 2011-12 (PDF)
CSISP Salon 2 2011-12 (PDF)