Dr Clea Bourne

Staff details

Dr Clea Bourne




Media, Communications and Cultural Studies


c.bourne (@gold.ac.uk)

Clea explores economies and market practices at the cross-section of media, cultural and market studies.

Clea is a Reader in Media, Communications and Cultural Studies. Her work explores economies and market practices, drawing on media and cultural studies, as well as market studies. Her recent publications have focused on financial markets, promotional culture, and AI and automation. Clea's sole-authored books include 'Public Relations and the Digital' (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-13956-7). She is also co-editor of 'The Entangled Legacies of Empire' (https://manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/9781526163448/), and the 'Sage Handbook of Promotional Culture and Society' (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/the-sage-handbook-of-promotional-culture-and-society/book281570).

Research interests

My broad research interests lie in the different ways that 21st century economies are strategically communicated and mediatised through various actors, practices and discourses. This research interest has translated into the following themes:

AI and digital platforms: How AI and automation are legitimised through public discourse, including via technohype.
Promotional culture and the promotional professions: Unearthing different socio-economic interpretations of 'value' in the promotional industries. Exploring professional identity and boundary work at the intersection of the PR, Advertising and Marketing professions.
Financial narratives: Locating contemporary financial markets and digital finance in the context of economic storytelling and global discourses.

Publications and research outputs


Bourne, Clea D.. 2022. Public Relations and the Digital: Professional Discourse and Change. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783031139550

Bourne, Clea D.. 2016. Trust, Power and Public Relations in Financial Markets. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415719216

Edited Book

Edwards, Lee; Bourne, Clea D.; Cabañes, Jason Vincent and Castro, Gisela, eds. 2025. The Sage Handbook of Promotional Culture and Society. London: Sage. ISBN 9781529602623

Gilbert, Paul Robert; Bourne, Clea D.; Haiven, Max and Montgomerie, Johnna, eds. 2023. The entangled legacies of empire: Race, finance and inequality. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 9781526163448

Edited Journal

Bourne, Clea D.; Haiven, Max; Montgomerie, Johnna and Gilbert, Paul Robert, eds. 2024. Financial Capital and Ghosts of Empire: Editorial, Journal of Cultural Economy, . 1753-0350

Book Section

Bourne, Clea D. and Jackson, Michaela. 2025. AI ethics are not enough: Public relations, social justice and artificial intelligence. In: Lee Edwards; Clea Bourne; Jason Vincent Cabañes and Gisela Castro, eds. The Sage Handbook of Promotional Culture and Society. London: Sage, pp. 59-73. ISBN 9781529602623

Bourne, Clea D.. 2025. Public relations as ‘tour of duty’: ‘Dis’embodying PR work in Criminal Minds. In: Lee Edwards; Clea Bourne; Jason Vincent Cabañes and Gisela Castro, eds. The Sage Handbook of Promotional Culture and Society. London: Sage, pp. 325-339. ISBN 9781529602623

Edwards, Lee; Bourne, Clea D.; Cabañes, Jason Vincent and Castro, Gisela. 2025. Editors' Introduction: What is Promotional Culture Today? In: Lee Edwards; Clea Bourne; Jason Vincent Cabañes and Gisela Castro, eds. The Sage Handbook of Promotional Culture and Society. London: Sage, xxi-xxxiv. ISBN 9781529602623


Bourne, Clea D.. 2024. AI hype, promotional culture, and affective capitalism. AI and Ethics, 4(3), pp. 757-769. ISSN 2730-5953

Bourne, Clea D.; Mumby, Dennis; Munshi, Debashish; Das, Arindam; Chaudhuri, Himadri Roy and Edwards, Lee. 2023. Narrating the anxious market: in search of alternatives during global crises. Consumption Markets & Culture, 26(3), pp. 233-244. ISSN 1025-3866

Bourne, Clea D.. 2020. Fintech’s transparency-publicity nexus: Value co-creation through transparency discourses in business-to-business digital marketing. American Behavioural Scientist, 64(11), pp. 1607-1626. ISSN ‎0002-7642

Dr Clea Bourne

Position: Reader: Convenor of the MA Promotional Media, Public Relations, Advertising and Marketing