Dr Feyzi Ismail

Feyzi’s research interests include social movement strategy and organising, and the links between labour, politics and global development.

Staff details

Dr Feyzi Ismail


Lecturer in Global Policy and Activism, Co-convenor of MA Postcolonial Culture and Global Policy


Media, Communications and Cultural Studies


f.ismail (@gold.ac.uk)

Feyzi has degrees in Philosophy and Social Policy, and completed her PhD in Development Studies at SOAS, University of London, where she conducted research on the relationship between NGOs and the left parties in Nepal. She has taught at SOAS in Development Studies and at UCL in Geography. Her research interests include social movement strategy and organising, NGOs, alternatives to neoliberalism and imperialism, labour and migration, and politics and development in Nepal and South Asia. She is on the executive committee of the Britain-Nepal Academic Council and the editorial board of Capital & Class.

Feyzi co-convenes the MA Postcolonial Culture and Global Policy, and teaches two core modules on the programme: Policy Lab and Placement (Autumn and Spring Terms) and Globalisation: Policy, Politics, Critique (Spring Term).

Publications and research outputs

Book Section

Ismail, Feyzi. 2021. Chandra Talpade Mohanty (1955–) and Third World Feminism. In: Alex Callinicos; Stathis Kouvelakis and Lucia Pradella, eds. Routledge Handbook of Marxism and Post-Marxism. New York: Routledge, pp. 460-467. ISBN 9781138555525

Ismail, Feyzi. 2015. Nepal, imperialism and anti-imperialism. In: Immanuel Ness and Zak Cope, eds. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 375-386. ISBN 9780230392779

Ismail, Feyzi. 2011. The politics of occupation. In: Michael Bailey and Des (D. J.) Freedman, eds. The Assault on Universities: A Manifesto for Resistance. London: Pluto Press, pp. 123-131. ISBN 9780745331911


Ismail, Feyzi. 2025. The Climate Movement, the Suffragettes and the Meaning of Militancy. Socialist Register, 61, pp. 317-342. ISSN 0081-0606

Wilson, Kalpana; Ismail, Feyzi; Kharel, Sambriddhi and Dahal, Swechchha. 2024. Women construction workers in Nepal: Collectivities under precarious conditions. Gender, Work & Organization, 31(2), pp. 419-434. ISSN 0968-6673

Ismail, Feyzi. 2023. Averting Catastrophe: Crisis, Class and Climate Change. Critical Sociology, 49(7-8), pp. 1337-1342. ISSN 0896-9205


Ismail, Feyzi. 2025. Solidarity Against the Law.

Ismail, Feyzi. 2023. Blowing up pipelines won’t save the planet.

Ismail, Feyzi. 2022. Memo to Just Stop Oil and everyone risking all to save the planet: we need a rethink.

Research Interests

Feyzi has conducted research in Nepal, India and Bangladesh. Her research has focused on theorising a critical approach to NGOs under neoliberalism, labour conditions of the working poor, the connections between geopolitics and development in Nepal and South Asia, the rise and decline of the Nepali Maoists and, on a global level, popular protest and social movement organising. Currently she is engaged in the project 'Migration, Precarity and Agency: Women Construction Workers in Nepal' funded by LIDC.