Dr Wendy Jordan
Staff details

Lecturer (Fractional)
Media, Communications and Cultural Studies
w.jordan (@gold.ac.uk)
Wendy is an experienced music and media professional with particular interests in film music and music creativity.
Wendy is the Course Convenor of Music as Communication and Creative Practice and a dedicated member of staff on the Media Integrated Degree.
She is an experienced music and media professional, having worked as a university seminar leader and lecturer, Head of Music and Media Departments in secondary schools, music author, theme and songwriter, keyboard player and accompanist at the widest array of gigs imaginable from keep-fit classes to Scottish shows and pantomimes to classical recitals.
Wendy’s first degree is in Music and English from Edinburgh University, where she studied with concert pianist Susan Tunnell. She also has a diploma from the London College of Music in Piano Performance. She completed a PhD in film music, following a Masters focusing on popular music and film studies at Goldsmiths. Academic interests include film music, musicology, song and theme writing, music creativity, the film musical, contemporary Hollywood film, aesthetics of music and film.
Creative Projects
Wendy has written five music reference books: Music Forms and Styles and The Language of Music (W&R Chambers); Musical Instruments of the World (Times Federal); Essential Guide to Music (co-written with Tudor Morris, Hodder & Stoughton); The Cool Clear Guide to Music (The Endless Bookcase).
Television theme and songwriting
Themes for TV & radio advertising, documentaries and films have been broadcast on BBC TV & radio, Channel 4, Forth FM, Italian, French and Japanese TV and the cinemas of France. In addition show songs, co-written with Mal Jordan, have been performed at The Waterfront in Belfast, The Playhouse in Edinburgh during the Edinburgh International Festival and on BBC Television in Ireland.
Broadcast a 13-part series entitled the A-Z of Music for Forth FM based on her first two books, The Language of Music and Forms and Styles.
Articles on fashion, television, reviews and general features for a number of Scottish daily titles.