Employer and alumni engagement events

Our events are designed to help employers attract and recruit talented Goldsmiths students and graduates. Goldsmiths alumni are also invited to engage and support current students.

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Employer engagement events

Target group: Students from all year groups and academic disciplines  
Dates: Monday 14 October 2024 & Monday 3 March 2025
Time: 11.30am - 2.30pm
Session delivery: In-person
Is there a charge?: Yes, please contact our Employer Engagement Team for further information.

Please note due to popular demand, each organisation can only attend one Careers Fair out of the two available for the academic year.  

Our careers fairs seek organisations from a range of industries and professions to advertise a range of vacancies and opportunities at the event. If you have part-time, full-time jobs available or graduate schemes and volunteering opportunities, this is the ideal event to attend to meet our talented students.  

Target group: Students from all year groups and academic disciplines 
Dates: Autumn Term 2024 & Spring Term 2025
Session delivery: In-person/online
Is there a charge?: No, it is FOC to participate in this event.  

Our Employer Skills Sessions Series identifies key topics and areas within the recruitment process. Each session in this series aims to equip students with the tools needed for success in the various stages of the recruitment and selection process.

Whether it’s offering advice on creating a standout CV or assisting students with overcoming assessment centres, these sessions aim to empower our students with the attributes and confidence Employers are looking for during the hiring process. 

Session Topics

Option 1: Interview Techniques: How best to prepare and succeed
Option 2: Skills Audit: How to identify your skills and strengths
Option 3: Assessment Centres: What to expect, how to prepare and stand out
Option 4: Commercial Awareness: What is it, why is it important and how to develop it
Option 5: Personal Brand: How to build this and expand your network

If your organisation would like to deliver an employer skills session on a topic that is not listed in the options above, please get in touch with the Employer Engagement Team.

Target group: Students from all year groups and academic disciplines
Dates: Autumn Term 2024
Session delivery: In-person/Online
Is there a charge: No, it is FOC to participate in this event. 

Our ‘Working In… ‘series is delivered across the Autumn Term and is designed to support students' experiences of what it is like working in a variety of different industries and professions. Through a range of Employer-led events including panel discussions, set tasks & challenges and other experiential taster activities, Goldsmith's students gain direct and valuable insight from industry experts. 

This programme is curated each year based on what Goldsmith's students have indicated as areas of interest *, popular graduate destinations for students, and/or current growth industries in the UK labour market.

* Data collected from careers registration survey completed by all students at the beginning of each academic year. 

For 24/25 the industry themes are:

  • AI
  • Charity/Fundraising/NGOs

Target group: Students from all year groups and academic disciplines
Dates: Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms
Session Delivery: In-person (off-campus)
Is there a charge?: No, it is FOC to participate in this programme  

Are you able to host students on your premises for a day or two? Could you facilitate a morning of Employee talks and project briefs? Our Work Shadowing programme brings Goldsmiths students to your organisation for a taster insight day.

Structure the programme as you wish, which could include Q&As, mini projects and department shadowing that give students an idea of the working life in your organisation. 

Target group: Final year students, Graduates and Postgraduates   
Dates: Autumn Term 2024 
Session delivery: In-person/Online  
Is there a charge?: No, it is FOC to participate in this event.  

Find the ideal graduate for your organisation by supporting current final year students and recent graduates to better understand the hiring process for your roles. Provide guidance on the application process, assessment days and what you look for during the interview process.  

Target group: Students from under-represented groups
Dates: Autumn Term 2024 & Spring Term 2025
Session delivery: In-person/Online
Is there a charge?: No, it is FOC to participate in this event.  

Research shows barriers to career progression, particularly for our underrepresented communities. Our Careers and Employability Team actively increases participation, supporting students in graduate employment. This includes challenging biases and unfair practices, and collaborating with employers, academics and other stakeholders who share our equality, diversity and inclusive values to help students develop career readiness and achieve their aspirations.  

We are committed to addressing barriers to opportunities, challenging pre-conceived ideas about graduate talent, and elevating the strengths of our underrepresented communities, enabling all to succeed in reaching their careers goals.  

As part of this commitment, we welcome our employer partners to participate in the EDI Employer series as part of the Employer Engagement Events Programme. This series focuses on spotlighting employers and organisations who actively practice inclusivity in their businesses. This could be through showcasing their inclusive recruitment practices, promoting dedicated initiatives and programmes within the organisation, as well as offering advice, guidance and best practice for students from underrepresented backgrounds, empowering them with the confidence and tools required as they progress from university to the working world.  

Sponsor an event

Sponsor an event or activity and increase your brand awareness at Goldsmiths.

  • Take advantage of our events sponsorship package (available for events e.g. Careers Fairs)
  • Fund a specific activity or support a group of students that matches with your company values.
  • Provide branded merchandise or discount codes to students.
  • For more information on how to get involved please get in touch employer-events (@gold.ac.uk)

For further information about these events such as skills sessions, recruiter-in-residence and competitions, please fill out our enquiry form.