Williamson, Milly and Khiabany, Gholam. 2022. 'Critique and Contesting the Vocabularies of the Marketised University'. In: IAMCR Conference. Paris, France.
Williamson, Milly and Khiabany, Gholam. 2019. 'State Policy and the Articulation of Racism'. In: IAMCR 2019. Madrid, Spain 7 - 11 July 2019.
Williamson, Milly and Littler, Jo. 2018. '‘Rich TV/Poor TV’: Work, leisure and the construction of ‘deserved inequality’'. In: 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association: Voices. Prague, Czech Republic 24 - 28 May 2018.
Williamson, Milly. 2017. 'TV Celebrity and Sponsored Selves: Gendered and Classed Endorsement Regimes'. In: CAMEo Mediated Culture Work Conference. Leciester, United Kingdom 6 - 8 September 2017.
Williamson, Milly. 2017. 'Policy and Regulation of Branded Content'. In: Branded Content Research Network. London, United Kingdom April 2017.
Williamson, Milly. 2016. 'Scroungerphobia Sells: New Business Models of Benefits TV'. In: 6th European Communication Conference (ECREA 2016). Prague, Czech Republic 9 - 12 November 2016.
Williamson, Milly. 2016. 'The Profitability of Authenticity: Ordinary Celebrity and the Political Reality of Reality TV'. In: 3rd International Celebrity Studies Conference: Authenticating Celebrity. University of Amsterdam, Netherlands 28 - 30 June 2016.
Williamson, Milly. 2015. 'Race and the Politics of the Veil'. In: Understanding Conflict Public Conference. University of Bath, United Kingdom June 2015.
Williamson, Milly. 2014. 'Race, Media and Liberalism'. In: 5th European Communication Conference (ECREA 2014). Lisbon, Portugal 12 - 15 November 2014.
Williamson, Milly. 2014. 'History, Female Celebrity and Scandal: The Contradictions of Fame'. In: Celebrity Studies Conference: Approaching Celebrity. Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom 19 - 21 June 2014.
Williamson, Milly and Khiabany, Gholam. 2014. 'Freedom of Speech: Ours and Theirs'. In: ECREA Diaspora Symposium. Brighton, United Kingdom.
Williamson, Milly. 2013. 'Media Representations of Islam and Free Speech'. In: 63rd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. London, United Kingdom 14 - 24 June 2014.
Williamson, Milly and Khiabany, Gholam. 2013. 'Free Speech and the Market State: Race, Media and Culture'. In: IAMCR 2013. Dublin, Ireland 25 - 29 June 2013.
Williamson, Milly. 2013. 'Muslims Multiculturalism and the Media'. In: International Communication Association (ICA) Conference: Dealing with Crisis: Community, Alternative, Citizens' and Social Media in Times of Change. Dublin, Ireland 24 - 25 June 2013.
Williamson, Milly. 2013. 'Media Representations of Multiculturalism in the British Press'. In: Ethnicity Race and Nationalism in European Media and Film. Manchester, United Kingdom 23 - 25 May 2013.
Williamson, Milly. 2012. 'Online Celebrity Culture: The Internet and Democracy?'. In: CRESC Conference 2012 Promises: Crisis and Socio-Cultural Change. Manchester, United Kingdom 4 - 7 September 2012.
Khiabany, Gholam and Williamson, Milly. 2011. 'Security Culture and Racism'. In: IAMCR 2011. Istanbul, Turkey 13 - 17 July 2011.
Williamson, Milly. 2010. 'Celebrity, Gender and the Paradox of Visibility'. In: IAMCR 2010. Braga, Portugal 18 - 22 July 2010.
Williamson, Milly. 2010. 'Seeking Justice: Media, Racism and the Security State'. In: War and the Media. London, United Kingdom.
Williamson, Milly. 2008. 'Media, the Veil and the Politics of Racism'. In: 2nd European Communication Conference (ECREA 2008). Barcelona, Spain 25 - 28 November 2008.
Williamson, Milly. 2008. 'The Veil, The Sun and the Politics of Islamophobia'. In: 58th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. Montreal, Canada 22 - 26 May 2008.
Khiabany, Gholam and Williamson, Milly. 2007. 'Veiled Bodies, Naked Racism: Culture, Politics and Race in the British Media'. In: IAMCR 2007. Paris, UNESCO, France 23 - 25 July 2007.
Williamson, Milly. 2006. 'Bourdieu, Fans and the Politics of Consumption'. In: Media Change and Social Theory: 2nd CRESC Annual Conference. Oxford, United Kingdom 6 - 8 September 2006.
Williamson, Milly. 2005. 'Vampire as Rebel: Cross Cultural Appropriations of Disaffection in Anglo-American Vampire Fan Culture'. In: New Approaches to Audiences. Paris, France.
Williamson, Milly. 2003. 'The Vampire, The Gothic and Glamour'. In: 6th International Gothic Association Conference. Liverpool Hope University, United Kingdom 17 - 20 July 2003.
Williamson, Milly. 2003. 'Vampire Transformations: Fro Gothic Demon to Domestication'. In: Vampires: Myths and Metaphors of Enduring Evil. Budapest, Hungary.
Thomas, Lyn; Williamson, Milly and Hills, Matt. 2002. 'Situating Fan and Academic Cultures'. In: MeCCSA 4th Annual Conference. University of Reading, United Kingdom 18 - 20 December 2002.
Williamson, Milly. 1998. 'Reading "Interview with the Vampire"'. In: Future Utopias Conference. London, United Kingdom.
Williamson, Milly. 1998. 'Vampire Fans and Fan Clubs: Official and Unofficial Practices in Vampire Fandom'. In: International Screen Studies Conference. Glasgow, United Kingdom.