Security to be brought in-house at Goldsmiths
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Security provision is to be brought in-house at Goldsmiths, University of London after a proposal to insource the service was today (Thursday 12 September) approved by College Council.

The move will see around 50 new staff positions created at Goldsmiths by February 2020, with the new direct employees receiving pay, holiday and pensions in line with other College staff.
Work will begin immediately to undertake the formal process of bringing in-house a service which is currently provided by third-party employer CIS Security Limited. The contract with CIS is due to finish on 31 January 2020.
Security professionals currently working for CIS will be consulted about becoming direct employees of the College under the statutory Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 – known as TUPE.
These consultations will include discussions with UNISON, which is the recognised trade union for the relevant staff grades at the College.
The decision comes after students and staff groups said they wanted security to be brought in-house and follows the insourcing of cleaning provision at Goldsmiths earlier this year. Some 95 cleaners transferred from a third-party employer to direct employment of the College on 1 May 2019.
More on security insourcing and our project to achieve it.