Dr Vik Loveday

Currently researching higher education, Vik has also worked on gender, identity, luck, nostalgia and social class.

Staff details

Dr Vik Loveday


Head of the Department of Sociology




v.loveday (@gold.ac.uk)


I am the Director of Undergraduate Programmes.

I have lectured modules across all three undergraduate years, and also teach on the MA Social Research. I am currently the convenor of the following undergraduate modules: 'The Making of the Modern World' and 'Issues in Contemporary Social Theory'. I supervise dissertations at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.

I was nominated for the Peake Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2013.

Publications and research outputs

Book Section

Loveday, Vik. 2023. Luck and precarity: Contextualising fixed-term academics' perceptions of success and failure. In: Eric Lybeck and Catherine O'Connell, eds. Universities in Crisis: Academic Professionalism in Uncertain Times. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 73-92. ISBN 9781350249981


Loveday, Vik. 2021. ‘Under attack’: Responsibility, crisis and survival anxiety amongst manager-academics in UK universities. Sociological Review, 69(5), pp. 903-919. ISSN 0038-0261

Loveday, Vik. 2019. Book Review: The Case against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money, by Brian Caplan. Journal of Cultural Economy, 12(1), pp. 93-97. ISSN 1753-0350

Loveday, Vik. 2018. Luck, chance, and happenstance? Perceptions of success and failure amongst fixed-term academic staff in UK higher education. British Journal of Sociology, 69(3), pp. 758-775. ISSN 0007-1315


Loveday, Vik. 2015. BBC Radio 4 Thinking Allowed, 'Social Mobility and Education'.


Loveday, Vik. 2018. The neurotic academic: how anxiety fuels casualised academic work.

Loveday, Vik. 2018. The neurotic academic: how anxiety fuels casualised academic work.


Loveday, Vik. 2011. Affect, Ambivalence and Nostalgia: Experiencing Working-Class Identities in Higher Education. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London

Research Interests

My research is primarily focused on the UK's higher education sector, and I have recently conducted British Academy-funded research utilising qualitative longitudinal methods to explore academic identities and the casualisation of labour in universities.

My other research interests include: emotion and affect; gender; identity; luck; nostalgia and cultural memory; qualitative research methods; social class; and social theory.