Research students

In this section

Photo of Alistair Bernal Holmes

Alistair Bernal Holmes

PhD Student
aholm004 (

Alistair’s thesis working title is: “Utopia from the ashes: thinking the future in an age of permanent catastrophe”

Andrés Cabrera Sanhueza

PhD Student
acabr002 (

Andrés’s thesis working title is: “Crisis of Hegemony and Constitutional Process in Late Neoliberalism: The Case of the Chilean ‘Laboratory’ (2019-2022)”

Photo of Angela Loum

Angela Loum

PhD Student
aloum001 (

Angela's thesis working title is: “An Analysis of the Pain of Women of Colour in Childbirth and the Vernacularisation of Human rights”

Anousheh Haghdadi

PhD Student
ahagh001 (

Anousheh’s thesis working title is: “Can testimony be transformative? A critical investigation of testimony to conflict-related sexual violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

Photo of Brenda Herbert

Brenda Herbert

PhD Student
b.herbert (

Brenda’s thesis working title is: “More Than That! The Everyday Lives of Children Who Have Experienced Domestic Abuse and Social Work Interventions”

Corine van Emmerik

PhD Student and Associate Lecturer
c.vanemmerik (

Corine’s thesis working title is: “Reclamations of minoritarian futures: minor practices and aesthetic-politics in Palestine”

Photo of Dinesh Poudyal

Dinesh Poudyal

PhD Student
dpoud001 (

Dinesh’s thesis working title is: “Immigration and Integration Policies in the UK: Nepalese Migrants’ Integration Status in the UK”

Eleanor D C Smith-Hahn

PhD Student
esmit055 (

Eleanor’s thesis working title is: “Interconnection, Participation and Belonging among Learning Disability Communities”

Photo of Floriane Misslin

Floriane Misslin

PhD Student
fmiss001 (

Floriane’s thesis working title is: “When an image challenges gender & sexuality: Negotiating fashion photography production in a womenswear/menswear industry”

Photo of George Kalivis

George Kalivis

PhD Student and Associate Lecturer
g.kalivis (

George’s thesis working title is: “Becoming Manuals: Home-Making in the London Greek Queer Diaspora”

Photo of Jordan Katz

Jordan Katz

PhD Student
jkatz001 (

Jordan’s thesis working title is: “Becoming a Young Woman in the High Atlas Mountains: A Study of Experience and Embodiment through the Lens of Yoga Practice”

Photo of Karl Baldacchino

Karl Baldacchino

PhD Student
kbald001 (

Karl’s thesis working title is: “Cartographies of Indifference: Resistance in Western Contemporary Critical Thought”

Kim Harding

PhD Student and Associate Lecturer
khard001 (

Kim’s thesis working title is: “Reassembling non-religion: veganism as an ethical belief”

Louise Rondel

PhD Student and Associate Lecturer
l.rondel (

Louise’s thesis working title is: “Wax works: Hairlessness, infrastructure, and the air that we breathe”

Photo of Maria Georgouli Loupi

Maria Georgouli Loupi

PhD Student
mgeor006 (

Maria’s thesis working title is: “The Social Reproduction of the Greek Middle Class in the 20th century”

Mickey Keller

PhD Student
mkell014 (

Mickey’s thesis working title is: “Critique and the Management of Crisis in the Wake of the Grenfell Tower Fire”

Photo of Oliver Holtaway

Oliver Holtaway

PhD Student
oholt001 (

Oliver’s thesis working title is: “How do transitions from private to community ownership reshape power and possibility?”

Phavine Phung

PhD Student
pphun001 (

Phavine’s thesis working title is: “‘Stitched with Love’: Using collaborative quilt making as a campaign tool to respond to the UK family migration rules”

Rachel Cummings

PhD Student
rcumm002 (

Rachel’s thesis working title is: “Health Professionals’ Responses to Deathbed Events: Implications for Medical Knowledge and Care”

Rhea Ebanks-Simpson

PhD Student
reban001 (

Rhea’s thesis working title is: “The commodification of care and its impact on care workers’ human rights”

Photo of Silvia Bombardini

Silvia Bombardini

PhD Student
sbomb001 (

Silvia’s thesis working title is: “The Shoplifter’s Clothes: Technologies for a Feminist Practice”

Photo of Stephanie Guirand

Stephanie Guirand

PhD Student
sguir001 (

Stephanie’s thesis working title is: “Where do Black Men Live?”

Photo of Sunwoo Kim

Sunwoo Kim

PhD Student
skim003 (

Sunwoo’s thesis working title is: “How can we understand and re-organise the cities?”

Photo of Thomas Wadsworth

Thomas Wadsworth

PhD Student and Associate Lecturer
twads001 (

Tom’s thesis working title is: “Imaging Self-Harm: Mental Health, Care, and Community on Social Media”

Xu Liu

PhD Student
xliu012 (

Xu’s thesis working title is: “China’s Pandemic Biopolitics: The Responses to HIV/AIDS and Covid-19"

Yoli Oswald

PhD Student
yoswa001 (

Yoli’s thesis working title is: “One Nation under God: The impact of the prioritisation of American identity and Islamophobia on the formation, negotiation and performance of American Muslim identities”

Zakariya Cochrane

PhD Student
zcoch001 (

Zak’s thesis working title is: “Carnival of Resistance? A study on the antiracist significance of the Notting Hill Carnival”

Photo of Zoe Walshe

Zoe Walshe

PhD Student and Associate Lecturer
zwals001 (

Zoe’s thesis working title is: “Navigating precarity: children and families’ accounts of housing insecurity in austerity Britain”