Staff in the Department of Sociology
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Staff list
Dr Mi Young Ahn
M.Ahn (
Mi Young is interested in sense of belonging, intersectional inequality, social capital, and mixed methods research.
Vikki Bell BA PhD
v.bell (
Vikki's interests include transitional justice, cultural theory and questions of aesthetics, ethics and subjectivity.
Svenja Bromberg
s.bromberg (
Svenja is a theorist with expertise in social and political theory, philosophy, critical thought and Marxism
Kirsten Campbell
k.campbell (
Social theory, socio-legal studies, gender, conflict-related sexual violence, international criminal justice
Peter Coles
p.coles (
Peter Coles is a fine-art photographer, translator and editor and has been a Visiting Fellow in the Centre for Urban and
Dr Laura Cuch
l.cuch (
Laura is a visual artist and cultural geographer interested in communities, food cultures and material performativity
Sara R Farris
s.farris (
Gender and migration, care and social reproduction, racism/nationalism, feminist theory, social theory
Fay Dennis
f.dennis (
Fay Dennis is a Senior Lecturer and Wellcome Trust Research Fellow working on the sociology of drugs.
Monica Greco BA MA PhD
m.greco (
Monica Greco works at the intersections of social science and the history and philosophy of medicine.
Michael Guggenheim
m.guggenheim (
Michael works with different media to produce theoretical texts regarding civil protection and participatory politics.
David Hirsh, BSc MA PhD
d.hirsh (
David has researched and published on contemporary antisemitism, crimes against humanity and totalitarianism.
Kat Jungnickel
k.jungnickel (
Kat researches invention, mobilities, gender and DIY tech communities of practice
Dr Manal Massalha
m.massalha (
Urban ethnography, social documentary photography, conviviality, displacement, social inclusion/exclusion, urban health.
Pamela Odih, BSoc.Sc PhD
p.odih (
Pamela studies the significance of time/space to the regulation of subjects and construction of gendered subjectivity.
Dr Alex Rhys-Taylor BSc, MA, PhD, PGCert
a.rhystaylor (
Alex's research looks at processes of social change in cities, with a focus on embodied experiences.
Dr Katherine Robinson
k.robinson (
Katherine's research explores issues in urban public space and everyday life in organisations.
Yesim Yaprak Yildiz
y.yildiz (
Yesim’s research focuses on political violence and human rights. She is currently working on confessional forms of truth-telling in the aftermath of state-led atrocities.