PhD students

In this section

Photo of Ioannis Athanasiou

Ioannis Athanasiou

PhD student
ioannis.athanasiou (

Ioannis is being funded by the Department of Educational Studies to explore museum interventions with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Photo of Jessica Boyd

Jessica Boyd

MPhil/PhD student
jboyd001 ( (

Jessica is a music teacher by trade and has taught in secondary schools across London for over 10 years.

Photo of Ben Dixon

Ben Dixon

PhD student
bdixo001 (

Ben Dixon is studying a PhD in Education. His research focuses on skateboarding and education, with a focus on diversity and inclusion.

Photo of Steven Dixon-Smith

Steven Dixon-Smith

PhD Student
sdixo002 (

Steve is being funded by the Economic and Social Research Council to conduct sociolinguistic research that problematizes categorisations and notions of identity employed in equality initiatives in Higher Education.

Photo of Busra Akgun Ezin

Busra Akgun Ezin

Mphil/PhD student
bakgu001 (

Busra is interested in language learning and maintenance in multilingual families.

Photo of Ameena Gamiet

Ameena Gamiet

PhD Student
agami001 (

Ameena Gamiet is the Head of English at a middle school in Berkshire and has worked as a primary school teacher and English Subject Lead for several years.

Photo of Angela Gigliotti

Angela Gigliotti

Past PhD student
agigl001 (

Angela’s research interests developed through experiences as a teacher working with adjudicated youth in San Diego, California over the past 20 years.

Photo of Jacqueline Glen

Jacqueline Glen

PhD student
ed302jg (

Exploring the Voices of Black and Brown Teaching Assistants, Investigating Power and Status.

Photo of Sam Holdstock

Sam Holdstock

PhD student
shold001 (

Sam teaches English at a secondary school in London. He is also a part-time PhD candidate, researching the possibilities for Interactive Fiction in the secondary school English classroom.

Photo of Helen Jones

Helen Jones

PhD student
hjone007 (

Helen’s PhD research centres on children’s self-published comic making in after school comics clubs, using Action Research as her methodology.

Photo of Katharina Kayser

Katharina Kayser

Past PhD student
edp01ks (

Katharina Kayser is interested in multilingualism in the primary school classroom.

Photo of Mubash-sharah Khan

Mubash-sharah Khan

PhD Student
mkhan010 (

Mubash-sharah is currently undertaking her PhD with the Educational Studies Department.

Photo of Heidi Kukkonen

Heidi Kukkonen

Visiting PhD candidate
hkukk001 (

Heidi is a visiting PhD candidate from the University of Agder, Norway

Photo of Yuntong Li

Yuntong Li

PhD Student
yli068 (

Yuntong Li's research looks at the effect of the Double Reduction Policy (DRP) on equity and social justice under the nine-year compulsory education system in urban and rural areas in China.

Photo of Mette Lindahl-Wise

Mette Lindahl-Wise

PhD Student
mlind004 (

Mette Lindahl-Wise holds a BA in Comparative Literature from Southern University, Denmark, and a MA in Anglo-American Literary Relations from UCL.

Photo of Klaudia Matasovska

Klaudia Matasovska

PhD student
kmata005 (

Klaudia is an Associate Lecturer in Education, Inclusion and SEND at the University of Derby. She also works as a researcher at Goldsmiths. She is a former Special Educational Needs teacher and a PhD student in the Department of Educational Studies.

Photo of Hasan Mohammad

Hasan Mohammad

PhD Student
hmoha002 (

My research explores the relationship between beliefs and practices with regard to the teaching of vocabulary among English language teachers.

Photo of Terri Newman

Terri Newman

PhD student
t.newman (

Terri's research employs practice-based methodologies to investigate collaborative pedagogies and communities of praxis in Art and Design Education/

Photo of Harry Oulton

Harry Oulton

MPhil/PhD student
hoult001 (

Harry is currently in the second year of his creative writing PhD. He is re-writing a Robert Louis Stevenson novel from the 19th century as a way of exploring the methodology of adaptation as it applies to Children’s Literature.

Photo of Devina Paramdeo

Devina Paramdeo

MPhil/PhD student
dpara001 (

Devina is a full-time PhD student and her thesis focuses on gentrification and its relationship to parental school choices

Photo of Molly Pardoe

Molly Pardoe

PhD Student
mpard001 (

Molly Pardoe is currently a PhD candidate at the Centre for Arts and Learning.

Photo of Alice Penfold

Alice Penfold

MPhil/PhD student
apenf001 (

Alice's PhD research centres on representations of identity in young adult fantasy fiction, exploring how gender and language impact the shaping adolescent identity.

Photo of Lidiya Petrova

Lidiya Petrova

PhD student
lpetr002 (

Lidiya’s research interests lie primarily in the area of foreign language teaching and learning in various contexts, as well as the importance of cultural awareness for effective cross-cultural communication.

Photo of Thomas Quehl

Thomas Quehl

Past PhD student
tqueh011 (

Thomas Quehl’s PhD research is based in the Department of Educational Studies and explores teacher agency in multilingual pedagogies.

Photo of Sara Shahwan

Sara Shahwan

PhD student
sshah026 (

Sara Shahwan is interested in children’s interaction with poetry and the environment.

Serphina Simmons-Bah

MPhil/PhD student
ssimm001 (

Seraphina is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Studies.

Photo of Anusika Sivaganeshan

Anusika Sivaganeshan

PhD Student
asiva002 (

Anusika is a part-time PhD candidate in the faculty of Education.

Photo of Clare Stanhope

Clare Stanhope

Past PhD student
ed607cs (

Clare is currently studying for her PhD in Arts Practice and Learning. She draws on feminist, new materialist theory and creative pedagogical practices in order to disturb dominant sexist representations of the female body, and develop alternative forms of feminist sensory arts practice.

Photo of Chunwen Su

Chunwen Su

Past PhD student
csu051 (

Chunwen's research study aims to investigate how Chinese teenagers adapt to learning in a new educational system.

Shahina Sultana

MPhil/PhD student
ssult003 (

I am a full-time PhD student and my research investigates “Digital Literacies as a Bridge to Maintaining Heritage Language Among Bangladeshi Immigrant Families in East London”.

Photo of Sanju Unjore

Sanju Unjore

PhD student
sunjo002 (

Sanju Unjore is funded by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (UK) to undertake a study on the education system in Mauritius.

Photo of Cátia Verguete

Cátia Verguete

Past PhD student
cribe010 (

Cátia has completed her PhD in Education focusing on the processes of (re)-creation, interpretation and appropriation of language policies.

Photo of Kelly Worwood

Kelly Worwood

Past PhD student
ed603kw (

Kelly's research interests include social inequality in statutory education and wider society.

Photo of Allison Zionts

Allison Zionts

MPhil/PhD student
azion002 (

Allison is a full-time teacher at a secondary school in South London and a part-time PhD student exploring decisions around LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and practices in single-sex schools in England.