Wilkins, Andrew and Gobby, Brad. 2022. Objects and subjects of risk: A governmentality approach to education governance. Globalisation, Societies and Education, ISSN 1476-7724
Wilkins, Andrew. 2021. Book review of Reframing Education as a Public and Common Good: Enhancing Democratic Governance by Rita Locatelli. Journal of Education Policy, 36(1), pp. 155-158. ISSN 0268-0939
Wilkins, Andrew. 2020. Book review of The Handbook of Global Education Policy by K. Mundy, A. Green, B. Lingard, and A. Verger (eds). Journal of Education Policy, 35(2), pp. 284-286. ISSN 0268-0939
Wilkins, Andrew. 2019. The processual life of neoliberalisation: Permutations of value systems and normative commitments in a co-operative trust setting. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 23(11), pp. 1180-1195. ISSN 1360-3116
Wilkins, Andrew; Collet-Sabé, Jordi; Gobby, Brad and Hangartner, Judith. 2019. Translations of new public management: a decentred approach to school governance in four OECD countries. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 17(2), pp. 147-160. ISSN 1476-7724
Wilkins, Andrew. 2017. Rescaling the local: multi-academy trusts, private monopoly and statecraft in England. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 49(2), pp. 171-185. ISSN 0022-0620
Olmedo, Antonio and Wilkins, Andrew. 2017. Governing through parents: a genealogical enquiry of education policy and the construction of neoliberal subjectivities in England. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 38(4), pp. 573-589. ISSN 0159-6306
Wilkins, Andrew. 2017. Book review of Through a glass darkly: The social science look at the neoliberal university by Margaret Thornton (ed.). Journal of Education Policy, 32(3), pp. 386-387. ISSN 0268-0939
Wilkins, Andrew. 2015. Book review of STEM strategies: student ambassadors and equality in higher education by Clare Gartland. Journal of Education Policy, 30(5), pp. 747-748. ISSN 0268-0939
Wilkins, Andrew and Burke, Penny Jane. 2015. Widening participation in higher education: the role of professional and social class identities and commitments. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 36(3), pp. 434-452. ISSN 0142-5692
Wilkins, Andrew. 2015. Professionalizing school governance: the disciplinary effects of school autonomy and inspection on the changing role of school governors. Journal of Education Policy, 30(2), pp. 182-200. ISSN 0268-0939
Olmedo, Antonio and Wilkins, Andrew. 2014. Gobernar la educación a través de los padrespolítica educativa y construcción de subjetividades neoliberales en Inglaterra. (Governing education through parents: education policy and the construction of neoliberal subjectivities in England). Profesorado, 18(2), pp. 99-116. ISSN 1138-414X
Wilkins, Andrew. 2013. Book review of Social Theory and Education Research by Mark Murphy (ed.). Social Theory Applied,
Wilkins, Andrew. 2013. Book review of Local Democracy, Civic Engagement and Community: From New Labour to the Big Society by Hugh Atkinson. LSE Review of Books,
Wilkins, Andrew. 2013. Shades of Freire: Exorcising the spectre haunting pedagogy. Journal of Pedagogy, 3(1), pp. 11-12.
Wilkins, Andrew. 2013. Libertarian paternalism: Policy and everyday translations of the rational and the affective. Critical Policy Studies, 7(4), pp. 395-406. ISSN 1946-0171
Wilkins, Andrew. 2012. Pedagogy of the Consumer: The Politics of Neo-liberal Welfare Reform. Journal of Pedagogy, 3(2), pp. 161-173.
Wilkins, Andrew. 2012. Public battles and private takeovers: Academies and the politics of educational governance. Journal of Pedagogy, 3(1), pp. 11-29.
Wilkins, Andrew. 2012. Commodifying diversity: Education and governance in the era of neoliberalism. Human Affairs, 22(2), pp. 122-130. ISSN 1210-3055
Wilkins, Andrew. 2012. The spectre of neoliberalism: pedagogy, gender and the construction of learner identities. Critical Studies in Education, 53(2), pp. 197-201. ISSN 1750-8487
Wilkins, Andrew. 2012. Push and pull in the classroom: Competition, gender and the neoliberal subject. Gender and Education, 24(7), pp. 765-768. ISSN 0954-0253
Wilkins, Andrew. 2012. School choice and the commodification of education: A visual approach to school brochures and websites. Critical Social Policy, 32(1), pp. 69-86. ISSN 0261-0183
Wilkins, Andrew. 2011. Community and School Choice: Geographies of Care and Responsibility. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 21(1), pp. 1-13. ISSN 1052-9284
Wilkins, Andrew. 2011. School choice, consumerism and the ethical strand in talk. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 32(2), pp. 357-370. ISSN 0159-6306
Wilkins, Andrew. 2010. Citizens and/or consumers: mutations in the construction of concepts and practices of school choice. Journal of Education Policy, 25(2), pp. 171-189. ISSN 0268-0939