Photo of Silvia


Goldsmiths was the catapult of my career. Thanks to the CCN MSc I started specializing in cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology research.

Main details

Year graduated 2013
Department Psychology
Occupation Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University (New York)
Country United States

Goldsmiths was the catapult of my career. Thanks to the CCN MSc I started specializing in cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology research. Enrolling in the program also allowed me to gain clinical experience through it's links to various hospitals in London. During my time enrolled in the CCN MSc, I became involved with my supervisor (Dr. Cocchini) with whom I went on to do my PhD. Her guidance throughout my MSc and my PhD provided me with all the building blocks for a future career in science. She connected me with my current employer and allowed me to collaborate with my current institution while completing my PhD. I will be forever grateful for Goldsmiths and my primary mentor Gianna!

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