Photo of Angelo


"The combination of supportive staff, weekly workshops and a friendly environment makes Goldsmiths an ideal place to learn and develop."

Main details

Department Sociology
Occupation Researcher
Country Brazil
"I'm really pleased that I took the decision to study at Goldsmiths. At an academic level, Goldsmiths has enabled me to develop my skills as a researcher as well as my career within the field. The combination of supportive staff, weekly workshops/seminars and being a lively and friendly environment makes Goldsmiths an ideal place to learn and develop.
On a personal level, the diversity that exists inside Goldsmiths has given me the opportunity to mix with different people. This has allowed me to learn more about different cultures within everyday practice.  
I've recently been approached by a publishing house to publish my Masters thesis, and my book – Lives in Motion: Notebooks of an Immigrant in London – will be published in Autumn 2013."

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