Photo of Vanessa Bray

Vanessa Bray

I grew more confident in my own practice and theoretical grounding. Putting on a public exhibition allowed me space to develop my performance skills.

Main details

Year graduated 1973
Department Sociology
Occupation Freelance Performer/Mental Health Consultant
Country United Kingdom

Working with a diverse set of artists gave me a broad perspective on ways of working and thinking. I grew more confident in my own practice and theoretical grounding. Putting on a public exhibition allowed me space to develop my performance skills. All round my confidence and knowledge with IT grew, and I learnt a lot more about the practical aspects of research.

My dissertation project 'Writing to Fight' has been performed to several different audiences, from Goldsmiths students through the Dragon Cafe, a community creative project for mental health service users, to Peer Mentors at Southwark Council. I have written a short piece about it for an undergraduate Sociology zine.

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