Photo of Jemima


"I think Goldsmiths was fantastic and am so pleased I went there."

Main details

Occupation Marketing Assistant, Clarks'

"I now work for Clarks as a marketing assistant for the kids' shoes. Although I hadn’t really considered marketing whilst I was doing my degree, it has turned out to be my dream job because it’s the right mix of research, organisation and also creativity, as I assist on photoshoots with the styling and the creation of advertising assets with the graphics that are produced. 

My degree was useful in that I could use it to demonstrate an understanding and interest in why humans behave in the way that they do and also hard work, organisation, planning and research skills, but it wasn’t enough to clinch the job completely. After graduating I worked in a pub, then a factory, applying for lots of jobs. I then volunteered full-time for the National Trust for 6 months working with the curation and collections team, a role I absolutely loved.

I think Goldsmiths was fantastic and am so pleased I went there."

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