Photo of Rachael


"It's great to say that I studied sociology at one of the top universities for the subject."

Main details

Year graduated 1997
Department Sociology

"After leaving Goldsmiths I travelled a bit and ended up in New Zealand where I completed a Diploma in Social Work. I have spent the last 12 years working in child protection, as well as becoming a mother myself, and am now on the verge of the next stage of my studies as I am enrolling in a Master of Social Work programme. I am currently working for an organisation called Child Matters, delivering child protection training and guidance to professionals working with children. 

Doing my degree in sociology definitely equipped me with the underpinnings of my understanding of society, human history and will give me good standing in my future endeavours. It is also great to be able to say that I studied sociology at one of the two top universities for the subject, and have a degree that is recognised all the way on the other side of the world!"

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