Photo of Joanna


"I learnt something every day, and the people in my life say they have never seen me happier or more in touch with my goals and dreams."

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Country United States

"Studying the Applied Theatre course at Goldsmiths was one of the greatest personal and professional experiences of my life. I come from a background in Playwriting and Human Rights and still feel so lucky that this programme exists. It has validated my passions and inspired me to dream big in the future.

I learnt something every day, and the people in my life say they have never seen me happier or more in touch with my goals and dreams. I also made a great local and international network of friends and colleagues of amazing people passionate about the power theatre can have on people's lives.

I plan to go on for my PhD and one day start my own company. I cannot stress enough how much London, Goldsmiths, my coursemates, my hall mates and the world of Applied Theatre have changed my life for the better."

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