Dr Hilary Norman

Staff details

Dr Hilary Norman






H.Norman (@gold.ac.uk)

My research to date has focussed on mental health and wellbeing, and specifically on suicide and self-harm.

I joined Goldsmiths as a lecturer in October 2022. My current research is concerned with suicide in public places, with a view to informing preventative measures. I also research self-harm, and its relationship with how we experience and deal with emotions. I use quantitative and qualitative techniques to explore these research areas.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD 2021

Teaching and supervision

I supervise third year undergraduate projects and MSC dissertations. I am particularly interested in supervising qualitative MSC projects.

I also organise the Psychology Department Seminar Series https://www.gold.ac.uk/psychology/dept-seminar-series/. If you would be interested in giving a seminar on your research, please get in touch.

Research interests

I am currently advertising a SENSS funded supervisor-led PhD opportunity, exploring how particular locations have developed an association with suicide, and how that influences people’s own suicidal thoughts and actions. See: https://www.senss.ac.uk/collaborativeproject3 and contact me for more details.
You will need to apply for a place to study at Goldsmiths by 10 February 2025 (https://www.gold.ac.uk/pg/fees-funding/departmental-awards/psychology/#d.en.2951484) AND for funding via HEIapply by 24 February 2025.

Publications and research outputs


Norman, Hilary; Marzano, Lisa; Fields, Bob; Brown, Sophie; MacDonald Hart, Steven and Kruger, Ian. 2024. Characteristics and circumstances of rail suicides in England 2019–2021: A cluster analysis and autopsy study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 354, pp. 397-407. ISSN 0165-0327

Norman, Hilary; Marzano, Lisa; Winter, Rachel; Crivatu, Ioana; Mackenzie, Jay-Marie and Marsh, Ian. 2023. Factors prompting and deterring suicides on the roads. BJPsych Open, 9(3), e71. ISSN 2056-4724

Marzano, Lisa; Norman, Hilary; Sohal, Baljit; Hawton, Keith and Mann, Richard. 2023. Police-led real-time surveillance system for suspected suicides in Great Britain. BMJ Mental Health, 26(1), e300643. ISSN 2755-9734