Staff in the Department of Psychology
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Staff list
Dr Manuel Anglada-Tort
m.angladatort (
Manu studies the psychology of complex cultural systems, such as music, creativity, and the arts.
Professor Joydeep Bhattacharya
j.bhattacharya (
Joy studies complex human behaviour including music, language, aesthetics, decision making, flow and creativity.
Dr Herb Blumberg
h.blumberg (
Herb’s main interests are: small groups and social cognition; peace psychology; social issues; social research methods
Dr Marinella Cappelletti
m.cappelletti (
Marinella is a cognitive neuroscientist interested in studying how the brain learns and how it ages.
Dr Rebecca Chamberlain
r.chamberlain (
Rebecca’s research sets out to understand how and why individuals create and respond so powerfully to works of art.
Dr Robert Chapman
Robert.chapman (
Robert's interests are in the areas of genetics, (non)typical developmental psychology and science communication.
Professor Rebecca Charlton
r.charlton (
Rebecca is a Professor in Psychology at Goldsmiths.
Dr Gianna Cocchini
g.cocchini (
Gianna is a cognitive neuropsychologist interested in distortions of body representation and awareness.
Dr Andrew Cooper
a.cooper (
Andrew’s research understands how variations in personality traits is underpinned by emotional and motivational states.
Dr Emma Davies
Emma.Davies (
Emma’s work focuses on the relationship between research, policy, and practice. She currently leads research and development on trauma-informed practice in Higher Education.
Professor Jan de Fockert (
Jan is an expert in selective attention, studying how we prioritise the processing of relevant information in our environment.
Professor Jonathan Freeman
j.freeman (
Jonathan is an expert in media psychology and the human factors of digital media services and products.
Christopher French
c.french (
Chris is an expert in the area of anomalistic psychology, focusing upon non- paranormal explanations for ostensibly paranormal experiences.
Professor Fiona Gabbert
f.gabbert (
Fiona is an expert in applied cognitive psychology, studying the reliability of human memory via understanding its strengths and weaknesses.
Professor Agnieszka Golec de Zavala
a.golec (
Agnieszka proposed the theory of collective narcissism to explain prejudice and intergroup hostility. She investigates s
Professor Pam Heaton
p.heaton (
Pam’s primary research interest is in developmental disorders, especially autism and its relation to musical cognition.
Dr Maria Herrojo Ruiz
M.Herrojo-Ruiz (
María is interested in computational approaches to motor learning and decision making.
Dr Peter Holland
Peter.Holland (
My research focusses on virtual reality and understanding the control and learning of actions and sequences of actions.
Dr Stacey Humphries
S.Humphries (
Stacey studies how we represent conceptual knowledge, what makes us curious, and the cognitive basis of aesthetic experiences.
Dr Ashok Jansari
a.jansari (
Ashok specializes in the field of neuropsychology, mainly in mental brain function we use every day including memory and face-recognition.
Professor Alice Jones
a.jones (
Alice is the Director of the Unit of School and Family Studies, studying school behaviour and socio-emotional development.
Professor Yulia Kovas
y.kovas (
Research in bio-psycho-social factors in development; aetiology of individual differences; accessible genetics.
Dr Madoka Kumashiro
m.kumashiro (
Madoka is a personality and social psychologist whose research interest is in personal growth and well-being.
Dr Karina J Linnell
k.j.linnell (
Karina studies visual cognition, attention, perception and awareness, as well as cross-cultural and individual differences in these fundamental processes.
Brian Malcolm McKenzie
b.mckenzie (
Dr Evelyne Mercure
e.mercure (
Evelyne studies infant neurocognitive development and especially the impact of language and communicative experience
Dr James Moore
j.moore (
James is an expert in the cognitive neuroscience of voluntary action
Professor Daniel Müllensiefen
d.mullensiefen (
I'm a music psychologist and Co-Director of the MSc in Music, Mind, and Brain.
Dr Hilary Norman
H.Norman (
My research to date has focussed on mental health and wellbeing, and specifically on suicide and self-harm.
Dr Diana Omigie
Diana.omigie (
Diana has research interests that revolve around the behaviour, physiology and neurology of music-induced emotions.
Dr Bence Palfi
b.palfi (
Bence`s research focuses on decision-making in human-AI interactions, meta-science and improving research practices
Professor Alan Pickering
a.pickering (
Alan’s research aims to understand the cognitive functions and behaviours that are affected by rewards.
Professor Linda Pring
l.pring (
Developmental psychology and neuroscience, including savant syndrome, is central to Linda’s research.
Dr Caroline Rix
c.rix (
Caroline is a teaching only member of staff, with particular interest in developing approaches to teaching, as well as internet psychology.
Dr Adrian Scott
a.scott (
Adrian has interests in forensic psychology, focussing on stalking, investigative interviewing and eyewitness testimony.
Professor Peter Smith
p.smith (
Peter is a developmental psychologist, with interests in school bullying, children’s play, and grandparenting.
Dr Teemu Toivainen
t.toivainen (
Teemu main research interests are individual differences in creative cognition, cognitive abilities and personality.
Professor Max Velmans
m.velmans (
Max’s research is in consciousness studies, particularly integrating philosophy and psychology in clinical practice.
Professor José van Velzen
j.vanvelzen (
José’s research focuses on multisensory processing, spatial attention, body representation and sensory processing in the context of motor behaviour.
Dr Gordon Wright
g.wright (
Gordon studies the personality and everyday behaviour of liars, lie detectors and antagonistic individuals