Research students

In this section

Photo of Ramisa Maliat Ahmed

Ramisa Maliat Ahmed

PhD Student
rahme006 (

The use of non-invasive brain stimulation to understand social perception

Photo of Mahnoosh Allahghadri

Mahnoosh Allahghadri

PhD Candidate (

Mahnoosh's research examines the various personality and demographic factors that may affect reactions to the pandemic.

Photo of Albane Arthuis

Albane Arthuis

PhD Student
aarth002 (

Doctoral researcher in cognitive neuroscience.

Photo of Tudor Balinisteanu

Tudor Balinisteanu

PhD Student
mbali001 (

Tudor's research explores the origins of rhythmic capacity by investigating the dynamics of empathy and cognitive control in small-scale societies dances from Australasia to Africa and South America.

Photo of Paul Bejjani

Paul Bejjani

PhD Student
pbejj001 (

Doctoral researcher in cognitive neuroscience with research interests in Flow, Hot Hand, Emotion and Music Cognition.

Photo of Alice Bowmer

Alice Bowmer

PhD Student
abowm001 (

Researcher of early development with a focus on music, language and motor development during infancy

Abigail Burgess

PhD Student
aburg003 (

Research Focus: Using a mindfulness smartphone app to improve parent's stress and children's mental health.

Photo of Hannah Brett

Hannah Brett

PhD Student
hbret001 (

Psychology researcher exploring the role of interpersonal relationships in cyberbullying involvement.

Photo of Celine Brouillard

Celine Brouillard

PhD Student
c.brouillard (

Research focus: Building trust and rapport in remote investigative interviews 

Photo of Ondine Cami Delaye

Ondine Cami Delaye

PhD Student
ondinedelayepro (

My PhD research focuses on the neurophenomenology of nitrous oxide

Photo of Soma Chaudhuri

Soma Chaudhuri

PhD Student
schau002 (

Neurocognitive and linguistic correlates of poetic creativity

Photo of Matthew Copeman

Matthew Copeman

PhD Student
mcope001 (

Research Focus: Early Interventions to Mental Health using Video Games

Photo of Oliver Durcan

Oliver Durcan

PhD Student
odurc001 (

Oliver researches Flow states, specialising in Flow's domain-specificity, temporality, and experimental methodology.

Photo of George Evangelou

George Evangelou

PhD Student
gevan001 (

Doctoral Researcher and Associate Lecturer in Psychology with a research focus on the sense of agency in human-computer interaction.

Photo of Teresa Facchetti

Teresa Facchetti

PhD Student
t.facchetti (

Research Focus: Awareness of verbal and non-verbal communication skills in patients with acquired brain injuries and children with atypical development.

Photo of Jacqueline Francis

Jacqueline Francis

PhD student
j.francis (

Research focus: Ethnic differences in physical activity behaviour change and inter-group perception in relation to physical activity.

Gabriela Georgescu

PhD Student
ageor005 (

Research focus: If psychopaths are likely to commit suicide or self-harm.

Photo of Sarah Hashim

Sarah Hashim

PhD Student
shash002 (

Psychology researcher investigating the content, neural correlates, and functions of visual mental imagery during music listening.

Photo of Kirsty Hawkins

Kirsty Hawkins

PhD Student
khawk001 (

Doctoral Researcher and Associate Lecturer in Psychology

Photo of Aleksandra Igdalova

Aleksandra Igdalova

PhD student
a.igdalova (

Researcher in Psychology of Art and Neuroaesthetics

Photo of Olivia Jewell

Olivia Jewell

PhD Student
ojewe001 (

Music preference and in-group/out-group attitudes

Luca Kiss

PhD Student
l.kiss (

Research focus: The effects of background music on sustained attention

Photo of James Lloyd-Cox

James Lloyd-Cox

PhD Student
jlloy001 (

Research Focus: The trade-off in creativity: flexibility and efficiency during creative thinking

Photo of Paddy Maher

Paddy Maher

PhD Student
pmahe002 (

Paddy uses modern psychometrics to research how social connections are formed, and the impact on mental well being.

Photo of Chloe MacGregor

Chloe MacGregor

PhD Student
cstac001 (

Chloe is a music psychology researcher investigating the development of musical skills in childhood.

Gabriela Morris

PhD Student
gmorr003 (

Research focus: Instrumental deception in female subclinical psychopaths in social and sexual contexts.

Photo of Linda Mortimer

Linda Mortimer

PhD Student
mlind002 (

Doctoral Researcher and Associate Lecturer in Psychology, exploring how we think about the future.

Photo of Safiyyah Nawaz

Safiyyah Nawaz

PhD Student and Associate Lecturer

Doctoral researcher in psychology, using ecologically valid methods and virtual reality to investigate the relationship between music and episodic & autobiographical memory.

Giuseppe Lai

PhD Student
glai002 (

Researcher in Brain-Computer Interface.

Photo of Haeeun Lee (Hennie)

Haeeun Lee (Hennie)

PhD Student
hlee025 (

Researcher in Social Neuroaesthetics and Performing Arts

Photo of Helen Olawole-Scott

Helen Olawole-Scott

PhD Student
holaw001 (

Research focus: The underlying cognitive and neural mechanisms of perceptual metacognition.

Photo of Charlotte Potter

Charlotte Potter

PhD Student
cpott003 (

Investigating the neural and behavioural basis of curiosity

Photo of Claudia Pulcini

Claudia Pulcini

PhD Student
cpulc002 (

Claudia's research explores face recognition: acquired and developmental prosopagnosia.

Photo of Betul Rauf

Betul Rauf

PhD Student
brauf001 (

The associations between sleep variables and ostensibly paranormal experiences and paranormal beliefs.

Photo of Julia Santomauro

Julia Santomauro

PhD Student and Associate Lecturer
jsant005 (

Doctoral researcher in individual differences and the phenomenology of sleep paralysis.

Saule Sauciunaite

PhD student
ssauc001 (

Research focus: Using non-invasive brain stimulation techniques and EEG to examine the neural mechanisms underlying learning and memory processes.

Photo of Margherita Tecilla

Margherita Tecilla

PhD Student
mteci003 (

Doctoral Researcher and Associate Lecturer in Psychology investigating how beliefs about reward probability modulate motor vigour in adults, ageing and patients with Parkinson's Disease.

Photo of Katie Toolin

Katie Toolin

PhD Student
k.toolin (

Doctoral researcher in psychology with a research focus on behavioural recognition in investigative interviewing.

Photo of Francesca Torno Jimenez

Francesca Torno Jimenez

PhD Student
ftorn001 (

Francesca's research focus is interoceptive sensitivity and its relationship with the ability to switch modes of thought.

Photo of Katerina Vafeiadou

Katerina Vafeiadou

PhD Student
kvafe001 (

Research Focus: Vicarious Touch

Photo of Amy van Langeraad

Amy van Langeraad

PhD Student
a.vanlangeraad (

Doctoral researcher in psychology exploring what is most effective in missing person appeals.