DSAs Assessment of Needs

Once you have applied for Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs) you will receive a letter asking you to book an Assessment of Needs in order for you to discuss the support required for your study.

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Please follow the steps below to arrange your DSAs Study Needs Assessment. This is very important - you cannot get your DSAs funding without it.

Booking an assessment appointment

You will need to go to an independent centre for your needs assessment.

Please refer to your DSA1 letter confirming you are eligible for support.

Or you can find a Disabled Students' Allowance assessment centre at GOV.UK.

If you have any further questions, please contact the DSA Team: dsa_team@slc.co.uk  / 0300 100 0618.

What to take to an assessment

  • a copy of the evidence of your disability (e.g. a doctor’s letter, or educational psychologist’s report)
  • your letter from Student Finance

What to expect from the assessment

You will meet a qualified assessor for an hour or two. Together, you will:

  • discuss your disability access needs on your course
  • discuss support which might help (equipment, support workers, extra funding for disability-related expenses)
  • try out equipment or assistive software
  • agree a package of support to suit your needs

What happens afterwards

The assessor will write up a report and send copies to you, to us and Student Finance.

You will then get another letter from Student Finance which confirms the equipment and support that your DSA will fund.

What if my letter says I am not eligible for DSAs

Please contact us to discuss this.