Partnership produced

The knowledge to succeed, the confidence to thrive.

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Over the years we have developed strong relationships with partner organisations, and you will have access to this network.

These partnerships enhance our curriculum, providing a range of learning opportunities including placements, volunteering, knowledge transfer exchanges, consultancy, academic partnerships and work-based learning. This will provide you with excellent real-world skills, and benefits our partner organisations who will access your ideas and enthusiasm to create positive change.

You'll be part of a community and help to address local and global challenges before you even graduate. Our curriculum is enhanced by the support of experts from our community, giving you a relevant and applicable learning experience you'll be able to apply in the workplace.

Being exposed to many high-quality employers gave ample opportunity to network... The practical tasks gave us a true-to-life experience, and mimicked the world of work as closely as possible.

Caroline, MA Events & Experience Management

Caroline, MA Events & Experience Management
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