Inclusive and accessible
Inspiring teaching, inclusive attitude.
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Goldsmiths is striving to be a truly inclusive and accessible university. Our curriculum supports equality and diversity, ensuring you are supported through our teaching.
We want to represent and celebrate our diverse community of students by decolonising the curriculum. Support is on offer to ensure successful engagement, progression, attainment and outcomes no matter what your background is.
Goldsmiths will continue its historical dedication to our founding values of social justice and inclusion, striving for greater equality for students from under-represented backgrounds.
We value each and every one of you and want you to feel represented and supported throughout your studies.
I appreciate being part of a student body with diverse backgrounds and interests. Being able to talk to people from different backgrounds made me realise how big the world is, and how important it is to respect each and every individual.
Michelle, MA Promotional Media: Public Relations, Advertising & Marketing