Edward Dixon

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Goldsmiths provided a rich learning environment with academic staff that were welcoming and approachable.

Since completing my studies at Goldsmiths I have returned to Jamaica to become a Director with the Centre for Entrepreneurship Thinking and Practice at The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. Although in its infancy, the Centre is poised to become the lead research organisation examining the broader areas of entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and the broader social economy in Jamaica and the English Speaking Caribbean. The work of the Centre is of increased significance in light of the need to examine the responses to challenges such as that which has been brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic. My experience at Goldsmiths has placed me in good stead to contribute to the research agenda of the centre, which includes shaping policy, practice and pedagogy.

Goldsmiths provided a rich learning environment with academic staff that were welcoming, approachable and always interested in finding out about my progress. The organisation also helped me to hone my academic skills through my attendance to and organisation of conferences through initiatives such as the Graduate School Fund. It also provided me with an extensive network of fellow PhDs and academic staff, whose experience I can tap into in order to advance my career.

Occupation: Director with the Centre for Entrepreneurship Thinking and Practice at The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus