Photo of Zebedee


"Goldsmiths has offered me the unique opportunity to spend my time as a student learning and being creative at the intersection of art and science."

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"Above all others, there are two subjects which have captivated me for my entire life: music and technology. Goldsmiths initially appealed to me as an institution which doesn’t place a barrier between art and science, and during my time here the College has delivered on this premise without fail.

Being a part of both the Music and Computing departments has allowed me access to an especially broad range of subject matter. This has served not only to greatly enhance my understanding of both areas, but also introduce the many points at which they meet. I learned to program computers as a compositional technique; I learned how effects and synthesisers work by building them in code; I even learned how to utilise advanced artificial intelligence to create my own virtual musicians.

Goldsmiths has offered me the unique opportunity to spend my time as a student learning and being creative at the intersection of art and science, and has introduced countless, fascinating areas of study previously unknown to me."

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