Photo of Réka


"Discovering the existence of the Music, Mind and Brain programme reframed my whole perspective"

Main details

Year graduated 2010
Department Psychology
Country Hungary

"I developed a love of music at an early age, and by the time I began to think about career ambitions and university education, I had developed a very strong interest and affinity for psychology. Discovering the existence of the Music, Mind and Brain programme reframed my whole perspective and made it possible for me to plunge into a discipline which incorporates the intersection of these two domains.

The instructors are dedicated to passing on to the students the maximum amount of quality knowledge within the framework of the varied and always interesting lectures. Our skills and critical discernment are continuously honed by regularly reviewing professional articles. This and other tasks on the programme provide the basis for developing our academic writing abilities. The atmosphere in which the programme is grounded and conducted is inspiring for students, especially for those like me who are wed to both music and science."

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